Defining Exhibition Product Education Information

This screen holds information needed by the Transcript and Certification subsystems. Any product in Personify can be linked to a Transcript program to give the customer education credits or credits toward certification program requirements. A product can also be linked to a course, a proctored exam, or an Inventoried exam product.


Here you can associate a transcript program with an exhibition product. You can assign continuing education credits based on either the purchase of the product, passing of an exam product, or upon request. Exam information and an exam code can also be specified.

You must save the product before using this screen.

As of 7.5.0, if a continuing education credit is added to the product and the product has been defined to display on the web, the CE ribbon will display on the top, right of the product image in the product listing and product detail pages on the web, as shown below.


Please note that only one CE credit type and amount will be displayed. The CE credit type to be displayed will be selected based on the lowest Display Order of the codes defined for the non-fixed TRN "CE_CREDIT_TYPE" system type. For example, if the "CEU" code defined for the "CE_CREDIT_TYPE" system type has a display order of "0" and the "CLE" code has a display order of "1", and both credits have been defined for the product, the CEU credit will display for the product on the web.


If more than one CE credit type exists with the lowest display order, then the CE credit type will be selected based on alphabetic sort in ascending order. The following code is used to select the CE credit:


Select Top 1 App_Code.CODE + “ “ + Product_Education.CE_CREDITS

From App_Code,


Where App_Code.TYPE = ‘CE_CREDIT_TYPE’

And App_Code.SUBSYSTEM = ‘TRN’

And App_Code.ACTIVE_FLAG = ‘Y’


And App_Code.CODE = Product_Education_CE.CE_CREDIT_TYPE_CODE

Order by App_Code.DISPLAY_ORDER, App_Code.CODE

To add a transcript link:

1.    From the Personify main toolbar, select Products > Product Central.
The Product Maintenance search screen displays.

2.    Click Search to find a product or click Create New Product.

3.    From the Relationships task category, click Related Transcript Info.
The Transcript Link screen displays, as shown below.

4.    Click Add Education Info.
Please note that the product must be saved in order for this button to display.

5.    To add a transcript link, perform the following:

a.    Click the appropriate link and search for a Program ID, Sponsor, Joint Sponsor, or Course Code related to the product.

b.    Select the Transcript Link method from the drop-down.

c.    If necessary, select the Valid Thru date from the drop-down.

d.    Select the Activity Type and Content Type from the drop-down.

e.    Select the Passing Grade from the drop-down.

6.    To add Continuing Education credits, click Add CE Credit, select the CE Credit Type from the table drop-down, and enter the number of CE Credits in the table field.

7.    In the Exam Information section, perform the following:

a.    Click the Exam Code link and search for an exam to associate with the product.

b.    Select the Exam Type from the drop-down.

c.    Click the Proctor link and search for a proctor for the exam.

d.    If necessary, check the Generate Exam ID checkbox.

e.    If necessary, check the Generate Password checkbox.

8.    Click Save.

Screen Element


Transcript Link

Add Education Info

Button. When clicked, the Transcript Link fields are enabled to add a education information.

Delete Education Info

Button. When clicked, the information entered in the Transcript Link fields is deleted.


Link. When clicked, the Transcript Program Chooser screen displays. Search for and select the transcript program ID. This identifies transcripts, certifications, and other continuing education credits that the association uses to set up a certification product.


Link. When clicked, the Customer Chooser screen displays. Search for and select the customer who sponsored the product’s education information.

Joint Sponsor

Link. When clicked, the Customer Chooser screen displays. Search for and select the customer who joint sponsored the product’s education information.

Course Code

Link. When clicked, the Transcript Course Chooser screen displays. Search for and select the course associated with the product.

Transcript Link

Drop-down. Select the transcript link type. This is the method by which the transcript information will be updated. For example, Purchase, Upload, or Manual. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the codes defined for the non-fixed TRN "TRN_LINK_METHOD" system type.

Valid Thru

Drop-down. Select the end date for the transcript link.

Activity Type

Drop-down. The type of education activity associated with the product. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the codes defined for the non-fixed TRN "ACTIVITY_TYPE" system type.

Content Type

Drop-down. The type of content associated with the activity. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the codes defined for the non-fixed TRN "CONTENT_TYPE" system type.

Passing Grade

Drop-down. The grade that must be achieved in order to pass the course. It is used by the upload programs when uploading exam or course results. Note that if there is a formal exam code associated with the product, that exam code’s passing grade value will take precedence over this one. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the codes defined for the non-fixed TRN "GRADE" system type.

Continuing Education Credits

Add CE Credit

Button. When clicked, a new row is added to the table to add CE credits associated with the product.

Delete CE Credit

Button. When clicked, the highlighted row from the table is deleted.

CE Credit Type

Table drop-down. Select the type of CE credit. The credits added here are assigned to a customer who purchases the product. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the codes defined for the non-fixed TRN "CE_CREDIT_TYPE" system type.

CE Credits

Table text box. The number of credits to assign to a customer when the product is purchased.

Exam Information

Exam Code

Link. When clicked, the Transcript Exam Chooser screen displays. Search for and select an exam code. This will link the product with a specific exam code. Only one exam code can be associated with a product.

Exam Type

Read-only. The type of exam being provided. This automatically populates based on the Exam Code selected. For example, Certification Exam, Continuing Education Exam, or Final Exam.


Link. When clicked, the Customer Chooser screen displays. Search for and select a customer that is the proctor for the exam. An organization may want to send printed exams and other information to the Proctor prior.

Generate Exam ID

Checkbox. Some test centers require that exam IDs be assigned to all copies of the exam. When checked, when an order line is created for the product for which an education record is being created, the system automatically generates an exam ID that can then be changed by the user.

Generate Password

Checkbox. Some test centers require that the exam also come with a password. When checked, when an order line is created for the product for which an education record is being created, the system automatically generates an exam password that can then be changed by the user. The system will generate a random series of numbers and letters 6 characters in length.