Creating a New Company

To create a new company constituent:

1.    From the Personify360 main menu, select CRM/Orders > CRM360 > Create New Constituent.
The New Constituent Creation screen displays.

2.    From the Step 1: Constituent Info tab, perform the following:

a.    Select the Company radio button.

b.    The Constituent ID is generated automatically, but it can be changed if desired.

c.    Select the Constituent Class.

d.    Select the company’s Address Type.

e.    Enter the Company Name.

f.      If necessary, select the company’s Prefix. For example, The, A, and etc.

g.    From the Parent Constituent section, select the parent constituent by clicking the Constituent ID link and searching for a parent constituent, if necessary.

h.    If you selected a parent constituent, check the Create Subsidiary Relationship checkbox to create an Employment relationship for the new company and parent constituent.
This relationship will be automatically created on the Relationships screen.

i.      If you selected a parent constituent, select whether or not to Link Company to This Parent Constituent's Address.
If you select this checkbox, the address fields in the Address section will be automatically populated with the address of the selected parent constituent.

j.      If you selected a parent constituent, you can click the Link to Different Address to select a different address on file for the selected parent constituent.

k.    From the Address section, click the Attn link to open the Customer Chooser.
Search for and select a customer to be added as the Attention line on mailing labels.

l.      Enter the company’s Job Title, if necessary.

m.  Enter a Personal Line and/or Mail Stop, if necessary.
The personal line and mail stop are extra ways of identifying the constituent for mail routing. Depending on the address structure defined by your organization, these may be used on mailing labels.

n.    Enter the company’s Address Line 1.

Although the address fields are required, if you selected the Address Type "BLANK", the system will allow you to save the new constituent without entering an address.

o.    Enter Address Line 2, Address Line 3, and/or Address Line 4, if necessary.

p.    Enter the company’s Zip Code.
If more than one city exists for the entered zip code, a pop-up will display from which you can select the appropriate city.

q.    If the system found the zip code entered, the City and State fields will be automatically populated. Otherwise, enter the City and click the State link to search for and select the appropriate state.

r.      Enter the County if necessary.

s.    Select the Country from the drop-down.

As of 7.6.1, countries with the lowest Display Order (defined on the Country and State Code Maintenance screen) will be listed first and then alphabetically by country name.

t.      If the new company's information should be published in any base directory reports, whether printed or published on the Web (e.g., XBT1202), check the Publish in Directory checkbox.
When unchecked, the e-Business Member Directory web part excludes this new company information.

u.    Enter the priority in which the address will be listed in the directory in the Directory Priority field.

v.     By default, the Default Bill-to checkbox is checked.
At least one address must be designated as the default bill-to address. Since this is the constituent's first address in the system, this checkbox must be selected. Once the constituent is added to the system, you can add an additional address and designate which of the two is the default bill-to address on all orders for this constituent.

w.   By default the Default Ship-to checkbox is checked.
At least one address must be designated as the default ship-to address. Since this is the constituent's first address in the system, this checkbox must be selected. Once the constituent is added to the system, you can add an additional address and designate which of the two is the default ship-to address on all orders for this constituent.

x.    If the new company does NOT want their address to display on the base roster reports (e.g., MBR1212PE), check the Confidential checkbox.

y.    Click Validate Address.
The Address Validation screen displays with the status of the validation. Click Accept. See Validating a Customer Address for more information.

To add another address for the company, click Add Additional Address. See Adding a New Address to Constituent's Record in CRM360 for more information.

3.    Click Next.
The Contact Info tab displays, as shown below.

4.    From the Step 2: Contact Info tab, perform the following:

a.    Enter the contact information, including Location, Country Code, and Number for each of the following contact information categories:

·           PHONE

·           MOBILE

·            EMAIL

When creating a new customer, if an email address is defined for the customer, a 7 character, random web password, which could contain either numbers or letters or a combination of both, will be created for the new customer. Additionally, as of 7.5.2, a notification will be sent to the customer, which contains a link to reset his/her randomly generated password. However, if the customer's email address is being used as the username of another customer, then when the customer is created with same email address, the system will NOT send a notification to the customer to reset their password.

If an email address is NOT entered for the new customer, an SSO login will NOT be created. If an email address IS entered for the new customer, the system will create a SSO login for the customer. For more information on the default SSO settings when creating a new constituent, please see Customer Creation and SSO.

·           WEB

·           FAX

b.    Check the Permission to Publish checkbox for "Print" or "Mobile" next to the appropriate contact information, if you want the information to display in a directory.

c.    Check the Do Not Call checkbox next to the appropriate contact information, if necessary.

d.    In the Additional Non-Primary Contacts Methods section, select the Type from the drop-down menu, fill out the appropriate fields, and click Add.
The fields in this section change depending on the Type selected. You can also select whether you want to include the contact in the directory. Once you add the contact, you can check the Do Not Call checkbox in the table cell.

5.    Click Next.
The Special Info tab displays, as shown below.

6.    From the Step 3: Special Info tab, perform the following:

a.    Select the appropriate permissions. The options include:

·            Allow Email

·            Allow Fax

·            Accepts Marketing Promotion

·            Accepts Business Phone Calls

·            Accepts Marketing Phone Calls

·            Allow Label Sale

·            Promotional Removal Date

b.    From the Billing Information section, select the appropriate billing information method, either by Bill Direct or Bill Parent Constituent.

c.    From the Sales Information section, select the Sales Territory, Sales Rep, Rate Structure Override, and Payment Terms.

7.    Click Next.

You must save the constituent before proceeding to the next tab. If you have not saved the new constituent, you will be prompted to do so. If you have not yet validated the address, the Address Validation screen displays. See Validating a Customer Address for more information.

The Shared Addresses tab displays, as shown below.

8.    From the Step 4: Shared Addresses tab, perform the following:

a.    As of 7.5.2, select whether the new constituent is an Individual or Company.

b.    Select whether you want to Create as Sub-Constituent

c.    Enter the new constituent's detail information and click Add
Please note that the fields in the New Constituent Detail section will change based on your selection of Individual or Company.

If "Individual" is selected, only those codes which are available for SUBSYSTEM = ‘CUS’, TYPE = ‘CUSTOMER_CLASS’ AND ACTIVE = ‘Y’ AND OPTION_1 like ‘%I%' will display in the Constituent Class drop-down and only those codes which are active and available for Record Type = ‘I’ (i.e., where Cus_Relationship_Type.FOR_RECORD_TYPE like ‘%I%’ will display in the Relationship Type drop-down.

Similarly, if "Company" is selected, only those codes which are available for SUBSYSTEM = ‘CUS’, TYPE = ‘CUSTOMER_CLASS’ AND ACTIVE = ‘Y’ AND OPTION_1 like ‘%C%' will display in the Constituent Class drop-down and only those codes which are active and available for Record Type = ‘C’ (i.e., where Cus_Relationship_Type.FOR_RECORD_TYPE like ‘%C%’ will display in the Relationship Type drop-down.

d.    Repeat the steps above to add additional new constituents with the same shared address.

If an employment relationship is created with an individual, the relationship record will be marked as "Primary Employer".

9.    As of 7.4.0SP1, if the CUS REQ_USE_OF_CONSTITUENT_ROLES application parameter is set to "Y", the Step 5: Constituent Roles tab displays, as shown below. If not, click Save & Close to save the new constituent.

10.  From the Step 5: Constituent Roles tab, perform the following:

a.    Highlight the role code in the Constituent Roles box that you want to assign.

b.    Click the right arrow (>) to add the code.

c.    Select the End Date in which the role no longer applies.

d.    Enter any Comments about the assignment or ending role.

11.  Click Save & Close.



Step 1: Constituent Info

Constituent ID

Text box. Is automatically generated, but can be changed if desired.

Constituent Class

Drop-down. Select the constituent class. The values in this drop-down menu are populated based on the non-fixed CUSTOMER_CLASS system type for the CUS subsystem.

Address Type

Drop-down. Select the address type. The values in this drop-down menu are populated based on the non-fixed ADDRESS_TYPE system type for the CUS subsystem.

Company Name

Text box. Enter the company's name.


Text box. If necessary, enter the company's prefix (e.g. A, The, etc.)

Constituent ID

Link. From the Parent Constituent section, select the parent constituent by clicking the Constituent ID link and searching for a parent constituent, if necessary.

Create Subsidiary Relationship

Checkbox. Check this to create an Employment relationship for the new company and parent constituent, as shown below. This relationship will be automatically created on the Relationships screen.

Link Company to This Parent Constituent's Address

Checkbox. If you selected a parent constituent, select whether or not to Link Company to This Parent Constituent's Address.
If you select this checkbox, the address fields in the Address section will be automatically populated with the address of the selected parent constituent.

Link to Different Address

Button. If you selected a parent constituent, you can click this button to select a different address on file for the selected parent constituent.

Attn Line

Link. From the Address section, click the Attn link to open the Customer Chooser.
Search for and select a customer to be added as the Attention line on mailing labels.

Job Title

Text box. Enter the company's job title, if necessary. 

Personal Line

Text box. Enter a personal line, if necessary.
The personal line are extra ways identifying the customer for mail routing. Depending on the address structure defined by your organization, these may be used on mailing labels.

Mail Stop

Text box. Enter a mail stop, if necessary.
The mail stop are extra ways identifying the customer for mail routing. Depending on the address structure defined by your organization, these may be used on mailing labels.

Address Line 1

Text box. Enter the company's address line 1.

Although the address fields are required, if you selected the Address Type "BLANK", the system will allow you to save the new constituent without entering an address.

Address Line 2, 3, and 4

Text box. Enter address line 2, address line 3, and/or address line 4, if necessary.

Zip Code

Text box. Enter the company's zip code.
If more than one city exists for the entered zip code, a pop-up will display from which you can select the appropriate city.


Text box. If the system found the zip code entered, the City and State fields will be automatically populated. Otherwise, enter the City and click the State link to search for and select the appropriate state.


Text box. If the system found the zip code entered, the City and State fields will be automatically populated. Otherwise, enter the City and click the State link to search for and select the appropriate state.


Text box. If necessary, enter the constituent's county.

Country Code

Drop-down. Select the country from the drop-down.

When an address is created for a constituent that owns the address, an entry is created in the CUS_Address_Details table and the CUS_Address table. When a linked address is created for a constituent, an entry is created in the CUS_Address_Details table. You cannot link an address for an individual once an unlinked address is saved because the CUS_Address table will not be properly updated.

As of 7.6.1, countries with the lowest Display Order (defined on the Country and State Code Maintenance screen) will be listed first and then alphabetically by country name.

Include in Print Directory

Checkbox. If the new company's information should be published in any base directory print reports, check this checkbox.

Include in Web/Mobile Directory

Checkbox. If the new company's information should be published in any base web directory reports, check this checkbox. When unchecked, the e-Business Member Directory web part excludes this new customer information.

Direct Priority

Text box. Enter the priority in which the address will be listed in the directory in this field.

Default Bill-to

Checkbox. By default, this checkbox is checked. At least one address must be designated as the default bill-to address. Since this is the company's first address in the system, this checkbox must be selected. Once the company is added to the system, you can add an additional address and designate which of the two is the default bill-to address on all orders for this constituent.

Default Ship-to

Checkbox. By default this checkbox is checked. At least one address must be designated as the default ship-to address. Since this is the company's first address in the system, this checkbox must be selected. Once the company is added to the system, you can add an additional address and designate which of the two is the default ship-to address on all orders for this company.


Checkbox. If the new company does NOT want their address to display on base roster reports (e.g., MBR1212PE), check this checkbox.

When defining contact information for a constituent, phone, email, web/social media, and fax communication methods can be marked as “Include in Directory”. Additionally, address communication methods. can be marked as “Confidential”. In the back office, all online roster and directory reports where the last character in the report name is “E” (for external), respect the “Confidential” and “Include in Directory” definition for the listed constituents’ communication methods. For example, if John Smith has his personal mobile phone number marked as not to be included in the directory, that number will not be included in the MBR1200PE report.  For example, MBR1200CE and MBR1200PE. MBR1200CE means it is a report that lists companies first (hence the “C” in MBR1200CE), then the employees, and finally, it is an external report (hence the “E” in MBR1200CE).  This means that its intended audience is people outside the organization. MBR1200PE means it is a report that lists individuals (hence the “P” for “professionals” in MBR1200PE), and it is intended to be viewed by people outside the organization (hence the “E” for “external” in MBR1200PE). The confidential flag is ignored on internal reports, which are reports that have an “I” as the last character in their name (e.g., MBR1200CI and MBR1200PI).  The “confidential” flag is also respected in the mobile member directory.

Validate Address

Button. Click this button to validate the address.   
The Address Validation screen displays with the status of the validation. Click Accept. See Validating a Customer Address for more information.

If you do not want to change the alias, but still want to be able to access the Customer Central screen when needed, users with privileges to use the command builder can use the following command: cmd://OpenView?Name=CusCentral&IgnoreAlias=True. This command will ignore the alias defined to open CRM360® and will open the Customer Central screen. See Command Builder Detail for more information.

Add Additional Address

Button. To add another address for the company, click this button. See Adding a New Address to Constituent's Record in CRM360 for more information.

Step 2: Contact Information


Drop-downs. Enter the contact information, including Location, Country Code, and Number.  See Adding a New Phone Number to a Constituent's Record in CRM360® for more information.


Drop-downs. Enter the contact information, including Location, Country Code, and Number.  See Adding a New Phone Number to a Constituent's Record in CRM360® for more information.


Drop-downs. Enter the contact information, including Location, Country Code, and Number. See Adding a New Email Address to a Constituent's Record in CRM360® for more information.

If an email address is NOT entered for the new customer, an SSO login will NOT be created. If an email address IS entered for the new customer, the system will create a SSO login for the customer. For more information on the default SSO settings when creating a new constituent, please see Customer Creation and SSO.


Drop-downs. Enter the contact information, including Location, Country Code, and Number. See Adding a New Fax Number to a Constituent's Record in CRM360® for more information.


Drop-downs. Enter the contact information, including Location, Country Code, and Number. See Adding a New Web/Social Media Information to a Constituent's Record in CRM360® for more information.

Permissions to Publish

Checkbox. Check this checkbox for "Print" or "Mobile" next to the appropriate contact information, if necessary. When checked, this indicates the new constituent gives permission to publish the selected contact information.

Do Not Call

Checkbox. Check this checkbox next to the appropriate contact information, if necessary. Today’s date is automatically selected as the start date in which the contact information cannot be called. The contact information cannot be called for purposes of soliciting or promoting a product, service, membership, and etc. If this checkbox is selected, "On Do-Not-Call Registry" will display to the right of the contact method on the Contact Information screen in CRM360, as highlighted below.

Additional Non-Primary Contacts Methods

Fields. In this section, select the Type from the drop-down, fill out the appropriate fields, and click Add. The fields in this section change depending on the Type selected. You can also select whether you want to include the contact in the directory. Once you add the contact, you can select the Do Not Call checkbox in the table cell.

Step 3: Special Info

Allow Email

Checkbox. When checked, it indicates emailed communications can be sent to this constituent. When unchecked, no emailed communications can be sent to this constituent with the exception of automated system notifications. If this checkbox is unchecked, "Do Not Solicit" will display in red text to the right of the Email communication method on the Contact Information screen in CRM360, as shown below.

Allow Fax

Checkbox. When checked, it indicates faxed communications can be sent to this constituent. When unchecked, no faxed communications can be sent to this customer, regardless of whether the communication is considered promotional solicitation or not. If this checkbox is unchecked, "Do Not Solicit" will display in red text to the right of the Fax communication method on the Contact Information screen in CRM360, as shown below.

Accepts Marketing Promotions

Checkbox. When checked, it indicates marketing promotions can be sent to this company.

Accepts Business Phone Calls

Checkbox. When checked, it indicates the company can receive business phone calls.

Accepts Marketing Phone Calls

Checkbox. When checked, it indicates the company can receive marketing phone calls.

Allow Label Sale

Checkbox. When checked, it indicates the company wants to be included in label sets sold to third parties. If this checkbox is uncheck, "Do Not Solicit" will display in red text to the right of the Address communication method on the Contact Information screen in CRM360, as shown below.

Promotional Removal Date

Checkbox. When selected, it indicates the date in which the company wants to be removed from promotional lists.

Bill Direct

Radio button. From the Billing Information section, select the appropriate billing information method either by Bill Direct or Bill Parent Constituent.

Bill Parent Constituent

Radio button. From the Billing Information section, select the appropriate billing information method either by Bill Direct or Bill Parent Constituent.

Sales Territory

Drop-down. From the Sales Information section, select the Sales Territory.

Sales Rep

Drop-down. From the Sales Information section, select the Sales Rep.

Rate Structure Override

Drop-down. From the Sales Information section, select the Rate Structure Override.

Payment Terms

Drop-down. From the Sales Information section, select the Payment Terms.

Step 4: Shared Addresses


Radio button. As of 7.5.2, select whether the new constituent is an Individual or Company.


Radio button. As of 7.5.2, select whether the new constituent is an Individual or Company.

Create as Sub- Constituent

Check box. Select whether you want to this constituent as a subconstituent. 

New Constituent Detail

Fields. Enter the new constituent's detail information and click Add
Please note that the fields in the New Constituent Detail section will change based on your selection of Individual or Company.

If "Individual" is selected, only those codes which are available for SUBSYSTEM = ‘CUS’, TYPE = ‘CUSTOMER_CLASS’ AND ACTIVE = ‘Y’ AND OPTION_1 like ‘%I%' will display in the Constituent Class drop-down and only those codes which are active and available for Record Type = ‘I’ (i.e., where Cus_Relationship_Type.FOR_RECORD_TYPE like ‘%I%’ will display in the Relationship Type drop-down.

Similarly, if "Company" is selected, only those codes which are available for SUBSYSTEM = ‘CUS’, TYPE = ‘CUSTOMER_CLASS’ AND ACTIVE = ‘Y’ AND OPTION_1 like ‘%C%' will display in the Constituent Class drop-down and only those codes which are active and available for Record Type = ‘C’ (i.e., where Cus_Relationship_Type.FOR_RECORD_TYPE like ‘%C%’ will display in the Relationship Type drop-down.

Step 5: Constituent Roles

Constituent Roles

Field. Highlight the role code in the Constituent Roles box that you want to assign. Click the right arrow (>) to add the code.

As of 7.4.0SP1, if the CUS REQ_USE_OF_CONSTITUENT_ROLES application parameter is set to "Y", the Step 5: Constituent Roles tab displays. If not, click Save and Close.

End Date

Field. Select the End Date in which the role no longer applies.


Field. Enter any Comments about the assignment or ending role.