As of 7.4.1, the WEB_USER table has been deprecated and SSO is required for Personify e-Business site login.
your organization has customized the WEB_USER table for any other reason,
please contact your Account Specialist for future considerations.
When creating a new individual customer in Personify360 Operations, the CUS WEBUSERNAME_FORMAT application parameter determines what the constituent's New User Name will be. The following chart describes the various combinations:
Application Parameter Value |
Email Entered During Customer Creation |
SSO Username |
Unique email address |
Customer ID |
No email address |
No SSO created |
Duplicate email address
Customer ID |
Unique email address |
Customer Email Address |
No email address |
No SSO created |
Duplicate email address
Customer ID |
Unique email address |
Customer Name |
No email address |
No SSO created |
Duplicate email address
Customer Name |
When creating a new customer in Personify360 Operations, if an email address is defined for the customer, a 7 character, random web password, which could contain either numbers or letters or a combination of both, will be created for the new customer. As of 7.5.2, an email will be sent to the customer, which contains a link to reset his/her randomly generated password, ONLY if the CUS ALLOW_DEFAULT_SSO_PASSWORD_RESET_EMAIL application parameter is set to "Y" (new as of 7.6.2). Additionally, as of 7.6.2, the email that is sent can be figured using the "DefaultPasswordResetBodyTemplate" template delivered with base.
template was coded in such a way that the email will not go into junk/spam
folders. Additionally, new HTML templates were added, which can be easily
modified with no need to recompile code.
If the customer's email address is being used as the
username of another customer, then when the customer is created with same
email address, the system will NOT send an email to the customer to reset
their password.
If an email address is NOT entered for the new customer, an SSO login will
NOT be created. If an email address IS entered for the new customer, the
system will create a SSO login for the customer.
parameter is only applicable to Personify360 Operations. In Personify360
eBusiness, the primary email address will always default as the new web
user's username.