CRM1000 - Constituent Summary Report

This online report is a printable overview of a constituent with similar details to the CRM360® main page, with the option to display deeper Involvement and Latest Interactions section data. Organizations that wish to pull a comprehensive history for constituents with lengthy histories can export from those lists on-screen or create a Data Analyzer. Please note that if any changes are made to the screens in CRM360, this report may need to be changed in order to pull the appropriate information.





Master Customer ID

Select the constituent master customer ID for whom the printable summary report should be run. This report is run for one constituent at a time.

If this report is accessed via the Reports task category on the CRM360, the constituent open in CRM360 will automatically default into the Master Customer ID field.


Sub Customer ID

Select the constituent sub customer ID for whom the printable summary report should be run. This report is run for one constituent at a time.

If this report is accessed via the Reports task category on the CRM360, the constituent open in CRM360 will automatically default into the Sub Customer ID field.


Include Relationships List

Defaults to "N". Set to "Y" if you wish to include a list of all active relationships (based on current date) for the selected constituent, as displayed on the Relationships screen in CRM360.


Include Memberships

Set to "Y" if you wish to include a list of active memberships for the selected constituent, as displayed on the Membership Participation screen in CRM360. Both current and future memberships (that are active) will be displayed.


Include Committee Involvement

Defaults to "N". Set to "Y" if you wish to include a list of committee positions currently held by this constituent, as displayed on the Committee Participation screen in CRM360.


Include Contact Tracking/Activities

Defaults to "N". Set to "Y" if you wish to include the last 5 records regardless of whether it is resolved or not (as in the Latest Interactions section of the CRM360 main page).

ALL activities will display in this report, regardless of the Option 1 column defined for the CUS "ACTIVITY" system type.


Include Orders

Defaults to "N". Set to "Y" if you wish to include the last 5 records (as in the Latest Interactions section of the CRM360 main page).


Include List Demographics

Defaults to "N". Set to "Y" if you wish to include all of the records set up for this constituent in List Demographics.


Include Opt In

Defaults to "N". Set to "Y" if you wish to include all of the choices that this constituent is currently opted into on the Opt-In/Opt-Out Preferences screen in CRM360 or via the web.


Sample Report