BPA Overview

BPA Worldwide (BPA) is one of two organizations (ABC being the other) that provide independent third-party audits of the circulation of business publications. The audits performed by BPA are in turn used by advertisers as an informational tool to gauge whether advertising prices for the publication are cost effective, based on the demographic the advertiser is attempting to target.


Except for the initial audit, BPA audits are done twice a year:  

·            in June for the period January through June, where May is the audited issue

·            in December for the period July through December, where November is the audited issue.


The reports generated for a BPA audit provide counts of subscribers based on why subscribers are receiving the subscription, how they requested the subscriptions, their field of work, their geographic location, and whether the subscribers are new or renewing.  Additional information about number of issues fulfilled for each issue, number of subscribers who were added or dropped for each issue and average price of subscriptions is also calculated.   


This document is intended to provide details on how the system tracks the information needed for audit reports and how the BPA audit reports are generated.  


Information about BPA can be found on their website:  www.bpaww.com.  BPA’s latest rulebook for business publications can be found at:  http://www.bpaww.com/Bpaww_com/HTML/rules/Rules%202011/Dec%202011/Business%20Rules%20%20Dec%202011%20revised%202-10.pdf

When working on the BPA setup, it is recommended that you use the Subscriptions Manager persona.

BPA Enhancements in 7.4.0

The enhancements to the 7.4.0 release related to BPA include:

·            Reporting, workflow and fulfillment support for digital publications

·            Additional breakout of “Other International” counts in Paragraph 4 by country

·            Renumbering of paragraphs where BPA has changed or eliminated paragraphs

See also:

·            BPA Paragraphs List

·            BPA-Related Terminology

·            Personify360 BPA Workflow at a Glance

·            Digital Publications