BPA-Related Terminology

Before delving into the details about BPA audits, it is helpful to understand the terminology.



Address Analysis Code

A code used by the system to identify subscribers based on how the subscription is addressed for reporting in Paragraph 3  The address analysis codes are:

·       Subscriptions addressed by name and title/and/or function (NT)

·       Subscriptions addressed by name only (NO)

·       Subscriptions addressed by job title or job function only (TO)

·       Subscriptions addressed by company name only (CO)

·       Multiple copies of a subscription to the same address (MC)

·       Single-copy sales (SC)

·       SUB670 and SUB671 processes calculate the address analysis code and set it in the Sub_Audit_Stats record for each fulfilled issue for each subscriber.

Audit Code

A code used by the system to identify the category a subscriber falls into for reporting in Paragraph 1. The categories are:

·       Qualified

§       Individual (I)

§       Sponsored (S) (this is rarely used, if ever)

§       Member Benefit (MBU if unpaid, MBP if paid)

§       Multi-Copy Same Addressee * (see “Multi-Copy Same Addressee”) (MC)

§       Single-Copy Sales (SC)

·       Non-Qualified

§       Other Paid Circulation (OP)

§       Advertiser and Agency (A)

§       Rotated or Occasional (RO)

§       *Allocated for Trade Shows and Conventions (TS)

§       Non-Qualified Digital (NQD)

§       All Other (O)


In Personify360, an audit code is associated with the product rate code on either the subscription order or the member-benefit subscription record. The SUB670 and SUB671 processes calculate the multi-copy/same address code and update the audit code to MC in the Sub_Audit_Stats record for each fulfilled issue for each subscriber.

Audited Issue

For each statement period, one issue is considered the audited issue. It is the month that is prior to the statement month for which an issue exists. The audited issue is used for certain audit questions. For a monthly publication, the audited issue for the January through June statement period is the May issue. For the July through December statement period, the audited issue is November. For a quarterly publication, the audited issue” will be the March issue for the January through June statement period. The audited issue will be September for the July through December statement period.   For a publication published semi-monthly (i.e., a publication that publishes 24 issue a year), the audited issue will be either issue in May for the June statement and will be either issue in September for the December statement (this is at the discretion of the client).

Initial Audit

The initial audit occurs the first time a publication is audited. The “Audited Period” can either be a 3- or 6-months period and does not have to end on any specific issue. The “Audited Issue” could be any of the issues within the initial audit period.

Qualification Date

The date the subscription order line was activated, or the date the membership order line was activated if the subscription is a benefit of membership. To be considered qualified, a subscriber’s qualification date must be greater than or equal to the issue date of the fulfilled issue minus 3 years.

Qualification Method

Identifies how the subscription was ordered. This is used along with Qualification Source for paragraph 3b calculations. When the subscription or membership (for member-benefit subscriptions) is activated, a record is created in Sub_Qual_Master, and QUALIFICATION_METHOD_CODE is updated in that record. The qualification method for membership-related subscriptions is MI for orders where the order line ship-to customers are individuals and MO for company or subgroup customers. The qualification method for subscriptions is based on the qualification method mapping defined in Sub_Qual_Method_Mapping, which maps Order_Method to Qualification_Method. If no mapping records are defined, qualification method is set to PW for individuals and CW for company and subgroup customers. Valid values are:

·       CI Company: Internet

·       CT Company: Telecomm

·       CW Company: Written

·       MI Membership: Individual

·       MO Membership: Organization

·       O Other: Other

·       OA Other: Assoc Rosters

·       OB Other: Business

·       OF Other: Field Reports

·       OL Other: Licensees

·       OM Other: Manufacturer

·       PI Personal: Internet

·       PT Personal: Telecomm

·       PW Personal: Written

·       CMI Communication: Internet

·       CMT Communication: Telecomm

·       CMW Communication: Written

Qualification Source

Identifies the source of the subscription order. This is used along with Qualification Method for paragraph 3b calculations. When the subscription or membership (for member-benefit subscriptions) is activated, a record is created in Sub_Qual_Master, and QUALIFICATION_SOURCE_CODE is updated in that record. For membership orders, the qualification source is always “Membership”. For subscription orders, qualification source is set based on the subscriber’s customer record type. If the record type of the ship-to customer is ‘I’ (individual), then the qualification source is set to ‘DIRECT’. If the record type of the ship-to customer is ‘C’ (company) or ‘S’ (subgroup), then the qualification source is set to ‘COMPANY’.

Statement or Statement Month

The last month in the statement period. For the January through June statement period, the statement month is June. For the July through December statement period, the statement month is December. Statements are referred to by the statement month, such as the “June Statement” or the “December Statement”.

Statement Period

The time period covered by the audit. For a 12 month publication, the two statement periods are January through June and July through December.The statement period includes the four months prior to the audited issue plus the audited issue plus the month after the audited issue.


·            This is typically the month for which a statement is run and is run twice a year

·            It can either be June or December, with the exception in case of “Initial Audit

·            The BPA terminology for this is as follows:

o           Interim Statement:

§            This is the 1st statement in the “Full-Year Audit Period”.

§            It could either be June or December, with the exception in case of “Initial Audit

·            June: For January-December

·            December: For July-June

o           Analyzed Statement:

§            This is the 2nd statement in the “Full-Year Audit Period”.

§            It could either be June or December, with the exception in case of “Initial Audit

·            December: For January-December

·            June: For July-June

Initial Audit:

·            This occurs for the first time a publication is audited.

·            The “Audited Period” can either be a 3 or 6 months period and does not have to end on any specific issue. The “Audited Issue” could be any of the issue within this period.

·            The “Initial Audit” is done by the Auditors and bases it on the statistics for the publication for the above-mentioned period.