Reviewing an Award Nomination Reviewer’s Score

If a review process stage has been defined to Use Scoring Questions, reviewer's scores and responses to scoring questions can only be entered through the online award nomination review process. However, you can view a reviewer's responses and scores from the Award Nominations screen in the back office.


To see what the award nomination review process might look like from a web user perspective, please see the Sample Award Nomination Review Workflow.

To review an award nomination reviewer's review:

1.    From the Award Nominations screen, select the appropriate nominee from the grid.

2.    From the Reviewers tab, select the appropriate reviewer whose scoring question responses you want to view.

3.    From the Responses column, click the View Details link, as shown below.

If reviewer scoring question were not defined for the award, the View Details link will not display.

The Review Scoring window displays, as shown below.

4.    From this screen, you can view the reviewer's responses to the scoring questions.