Deleting an Advertising Media

Some advertising media is temporary (e.g., an Annual Conference). When an advertising media is no longer active, you can deactivate the advertising media. To delete an advertising media, from the Advertising Media Maintenance detail screen, click Delete Unreferenced Media from the Advertising Media task category.


When an advertising media is deactivated, the product status of all the advertising products linked to the advertising media is set to “D” (discontinued). This does not affect any existing orders with the product, though it does prevent any new insertion orders from being created with those advertising products.

See Also:

·            Overview: Advertising Media

·            Creating an Advertising Media

·            Adding New Media Contacts

·            Viewing Media Advertising Products

·            Maintaining Advertising Product Information

·            Viewing Purchase Analysis

·            Copying an Advertising Media

·            Viewing Media Rate Cards