ABS Known Issues

The following issues are known by Personify and will be fixed in a future service pack or feature release:


·            Certain pop-ups do not display correctly if the user is using Firefox browser.

·            Submitters, reviewers and staff are not able to download files uploaded by submitters.

Abstracts & Submissions Setup

·            Staff currently must be defined as an administrator to be able to have access to all required screens.

·            If the call submission type will not use the review process, the minimum number of required reviewers should still be set to 1.

Abstracts & Submissions Submittals

·            In 7.4.0, the call submission type can be defined to refer to submitters with a specific term, such as author, applicant, etc.  In a few screens and in the Submission Preview Report, the system is not using the defined term but is instead using the word “Author”.

·            Some data entered for authors is not being saved in the Customer record, such as additional email address.

·            Credentials stored with a submitter’s Customer record are not being displayed when the submitter is linked to their Customer record.  Also, a submitter is only able to select a single credential. 

·            In 7.4.0, the call submission type can be defined to not use setups, fields or question sets, yet headings for items not being used are still displayed on the submission preview report.

·            The submission process does NOT respect address structure setup in the back office. However, as of 7.6.0, if the selected Country is anything other than "USA", then the City, State/Province, and Zip/Postal Code fields are optional.

Abstracts & Submissions Processing

·            Some group actions have been implemented for submissions and for reviewers.  If multiple submission or reviewer records are selected for processing, and if one or more records are not eligible for the selected action, the system does not process any of the selected records and does not identify the record(s) not eligible for processing.  The user will need to reselect smaller sets of records for the selected action in order to identify the problem records. 

·            The “Manage Submissions” menu item in the “Work Within a Call” menu group does not work.  Instead, click the submission type hyperlink on the home page and click the “View Submissions” tab. 

·            The “Search for Submissions Not Assigned to a Session” search option not available in the View Submission tab.  Therefore, the organization should define a report that lists abstracts not assigned to a meeting session.

Reviewers and Review Process

·            There are certain scenarios where the system will assign a reviewer to a call submission type even though the reviewer has not been approved to review the material defined for the call submission type.   The organization should use the “Approved for” filter if searching for reviewers outside of the call to assign to a call submission type.

See Also: