Application Subsystem Application Parameters

The following table describes the application parameters for the APP subsystem. Prior to working with the system, you need to define the Parameter Value for each applicable parameter. For more information on application parameters, please see Setting Up Application Parameters.


Default Value




This setting enables Personify Administrators to email users their user ID and the password whenever new user accounts are created or their password is reset. For security reasons, this information will be mailed as image file and not as clear text message. Please note that PADSS does not recommend e-mailing user passwords, because it could pose a security risk.

Valid values are Y/N


http://[your server/folder]

URL of the server folder where pictures displayed in the CRM360 and Donor360 are stored.  A service uploads these pictures from the database after a user adds the picture to the customer's record.


http://[your server/folder]

URL of the server folder where IMS role icons are stored.



Allows you to assign certain users to a specific primary_search_group based on their country code and postal code. You need to populate the CUS_Search_Group_Postal_Map table with the appropriate mappings and create a search group record for each of the chapters and units within the chapter (guild, branch, etc).


Please note that this is not segmentation. This allows you to assign values to new customers based on the country and postal code of their primary address and then, optionally, use these in customer searches to reduce the number of records returned based on the primary-search-group of the user.



Blocks browser pop-up windows.



This is the email of the system administrator who is contacted if the e-Business server fails a login to the Personify database server because the password is expired.


This application parameter, along with PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_PERIOD,

PASSWORD_REMINDER_PERIOD, and PSM_SERVICE_ACCT_PREFIX are required for the Notify Service User Expiration notification service to work.



Maximum number of records to be fetched by a query/search. In addition to all search screens in Personify360, the following choosers use this application parameter:

·       AccountChooser

·       GenericChooser

·       GenericChooserSQL

·       GenericChooserWithFilter

Please note that you can override the number of records to be fetched on the Application Designer at the screen level.



URL of the Website where the home page is hosted.


The intent is to provide users with an easy way to send suggestions for improving your organization's workflows within Personify360. The email address should be a contact within your organization who will coordinate an evaluation of the suggestions. Please note that you can only enter one email address in this required field. Users can send an email by clicking the Idea Manager button in Personify360, as highlighted below.



Defines the maximum amount of times a product can be cross-sold. The default value is 3. As a best practice, this value should not be set to a value higher than 3, because it will affect performance.



As of 7.6.0, this application parameter indicates the maximum size in megabytes of a file (DCD, attachments, related files, etc.) that can be uploaded to the Application Server.


The largest file size recommend by Personify is 100 MB, which is the default value, because the file can be transferred by the application service from the permanent storage location to a temporary local directory on the web server in a reasonable amount of time. The value can be set to a larger size, for example 2 GB, but the performance would be substantially degraded for those very large files.


This is a new application parameter with the Outlook Plug-In 1.3.0 release that is designed to help reduce the number of contact tracking records generated for staff emails. The new application paramter is included with the database script installation package that is included with the 1.3.0 version updates.

Enter the internet domain(s) and/or email address(es) that should be excluded from contact tracking in Personify360 while using the Personify360 Outlook Plug-In 1.3.0.

If you want to include more than one domain and/or email, enter it as a comma separated list. Enter individual email addresses in this format in this field: The following are the two valid ways you can enter internet domains in this field: "" or "".  
For example, if you enter "" or "", when saving an email, users with this domain would not get a contact tracking record created for them in Personify360.If a domain(s) was previously defined to be excluded, but is no longer applicable, to set the value to NULL, enter a space.  

Values entered in this field tab display on the Domain Settings tab in the Personify360 Outlook Plug-In 1.3.0.



The period (in days) in which the user’s password expires. A value of "0" indicates that password never expires.


This application parameter, along with  

PASSWORD_REMINDER_PERIOD, PSM_SERVICE_ACCT_PREFIX, and DEFAULT_EMAIL_SERVICE_ACCT are required for the "Notify Service User Expiration" notification service to work.



The number of days in which the Password Change Notification appears before the date a user’s password expires. A value of "0" indicates that password reminder window will never popup to the user.


This application parameter, along with  

PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_PERIOD, PSM_SERVICE_ACCT_PREFIX, and DEFAULT_EMAIL_SERVICE_ACCT are required for the "Notify Service User Expiration" notification service to work.



The number of previous passwords stored in the database that a user can not repeat when creating a new password.



You can define the security settings for the password, such as a certain number of digits or special characters. The sample mask requires users to enter passwords which have between 6-10 characters, where at least one character is a digit.

The value for this system parameter is blank by default. If you do not want to set security settings for the password, you can leave this parameter blank. However, once you set the parameter, you cannot change it back to blank. You must enter “.*” for the Parameter Value instead.



The Personify database version number.



This is a special name prefix assigned to the Personify user that holds the eCommerce site connection password. For example, "EBIZ" for EBIZUSER.


This application parameter, along with PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_PERIOD, PASSWORD_REMINDER_PERIOD, and DEFAULT_EMAIL_SERVICE_ACCT are required for the "Notify Service User Expiration" notification service to work.



As of 7.6.2, per PA-DSS requirement, the Personify360 application must be locked if the work station is inactive for 15 minutes. Setting the value to a negative number does not enforce any screen time-out. Setting the value to a positive number overrides the default 15 minutes. Setting the value to zero or NULL of this parameter would enforce 15 minutes (the default).


When the inactivity limit is reached, a warning message will display, as shown below.


If the user does NOT click the Stay logged in button within one minute, he/she will be prompted to renter his/her password, as shown below. If the user clicks Exit, the application will close. If the user has unsaved data, he/she will be prompted to save the data first, which requires reentering his/her password.



This value indicates whether or not to display code in the drop-downs.



This parameter is no longer being used.


This parameter defines the UNC File location on your App Server/ File Server for file default.HTML and Customer Search files. Enter the URL for the “search” folder on your Unified Search website.


This parameter defines the UNC File location on your App Server/ File Server for Customer Detail files. Enter the URL for the “details” folder on your Unified Search website.



This parameter defines the maximum record count for the number of Customer/ Prospect data to include in the search universe. This number is dependent on the license limitation for the Google Mini search appliance.



URL of the Website where the Unified Search is hosted