Installing the SSO Application and Web Service

The SSO web service dlls and required files are located under the SSO web application. These Web services will follow the web.config settings from the SSO web application. The service.asmx is the main page that should be provided in the URL.


The SSO web service can only be installed once the SSO application is set up. For example, if your site name is “”, then your SSO Web Service name should be “”.

To force SSO integration between vendor sites, you need to include the SSO Force parameter (SSO Force = Y) query sting in the vendor site URL.

To install the SSO application and web service:

1.    Restore SSO.bak to your database and configure the database user role.

2.    Copy the SSO_WEBSITE folder from [Release Package Path]\Package\WebApplications\SSO_IMS\SSO_WEBSITE to your Web folder.

3.    Create a new application pool in IIS.

a.    Right-click on Application Pools and select Add Application Pool.

b.    Enter the required information, as shown below.

4.    After successful creation of new application Pool, select the newly created application pool from middle pane of Application Pools. Right-click on the application pool and select Advanced Settings.

5.    Update the settings in Advanced Settings window according to your requirement.

6.    Modify the web.config file for the SSO_WEBSITE:

a.    Set the SSO database Connect string parameters in the <appSettings> section.
<add key="SSO.ConnectionString" value="user id=[username};password=[password];Initial
Catalog=[DatabaseName];Data Source=[Server name]" />

b.    Set the SMTP Server name to send an email server name to allow your customers to retrieve their password.
<SmtpMessageTransportServer>[SMTP SERVER NAME]</SmtpMessageTransportServer>
<network host="[SMTP SERVER NAME]" port="25" defaultCredentials="true" />

c.    Set the email address in the <ExceptionManager> section. If the email should go to multiple people, separate the email addresses by a semi colon.
For example,;
<EmailAddresses>[LIST OF EMAIL ADDRESSES]</EmailAddresses>
<FromEmailAddress>[SENDER EMAIL ID]</FromEmailAddress>
<smtp from="[SENDER EMAIL ID]">
<KeyValue Key="PasswordResetFromEmailAddress" Value="[SENDER EMAIL ID]" />

d.    Set the SSO website URL information to send the email when a customer requests for the reset of their login credentials.
<KeyValue Key="DefaultAssociationLoginURL" Value="http://[WEBSERVERNAME]/[EBUSINESS SITE NAME]/default.aspx" />

e.    Add the following syntax to set the username and password, if necessary:

<!-- Added below SMTP configuration to send reset password/username mails -->





            clientDomain="[Organization domain]"


            host="smtp server name"

            password="[smtp password]"

  port="[port number, usually 25]"

            userName="[smtp user name]"





  <!--SMTP configuration End-->

f.      Set the Default Association Login URL.
This is needed if Reset Password call is initiated from the Personify back office. In this case, an email is sent to the user and after the user clicks on the link and resets the password, he will be redirected to this page. Ideally, this page should be the login page for your web site.
<KeyValue Key="DefaultAssociationLoginURL"Value="http://...../default.aspx" />

g.    Update/add the following node in web.config to enable the SQL Server Session state. When no database name is specified in the connection string default database ASPSTATE will be taken. Please also ensure that, you already having the ASPSTATE database exist in the SQL Server.
<sessionState mode="SQLServer" timeout="720" cookieless="false" sqlConnectionString="Data Source=[SERVERNAME];User ID=[USERNAME];Password=[PASSWORD]" />

If ASPSTATE database is not already present in your database server, then please find the following URL to create the database in Persistance mode.
Command line parameters: - aspnet_regsql.exe -S “[SQL SERVER NAME]” -E -ssadd -sstype p
Microsoft Help URL: -

h.    Set the Password Strength Regular Expression - This regular expression will enforce the strength of password for your web site.
<KeyValue Key=" PasswordStrengthRegularExpression " Value=”Enter Value Here" />

Minimum Length: 6


Minimum Length: 6, with at least 1 Number, and at least 1 Alpha Character


Minimum Length: 6, with at least 1 Number, and at least 1 Upper Case Alpha Character,

and at least 1 Lower Case Alpha Character, and at least 1 Special Case Character


i.      Set the option to enable or disable Remember Me functionality. As of 7.4.1, we will not be creating a cookie every time a user logs into SSO. Cookie will be created on the client's machine only if the user uses the Remember Me option.
<KeyValue Key="EnableRememberMeFunctionality" Value="True" />

·            SessionMonitor_SleepTimeInMilliseconds
Session Monitor is a process which cleans up the expired sessions from the SSO database. This setting specifies the frequency with which the session monitor runs. Recommended value can range from 5 minutes to 60 minutes depending on the web site usage.

·            CustomSessionValidDurationInMinutes
This value specifies the duration for which the customer session will be active. Default value is 60 minutes.

·            CustomSessionValidDurationRememberMeInDays
The value specifies the session valid duration if the user selects the remember me option. The value for this property is set to 90.

7.    As of 7.4.2, to configure reset password and username settings, perform the following:

a.    If you want to modify the base HTML message sent to users when they choose to reset their username or password, configure the following values in the SSOMessages.resx file:

·            PasswordResetText
<BR/>Please click the link below to reset your password.<BR/><a href ="{0}">Click here to reset password </a><BR/><BR/>

·            UsernameResetText
<BR/>Please click the link below to reset your user name.<BR/><a href ="{0}">Click here to reset user name</a><BR/><BR/>

8.    Update the SSOSetting.xml file from “[SSO WebSite Folder Path]\LoginTemplates\SSOSetting.xml” to set the Activate account feature.
<ActiveAccount Enable="False" ActiveURL="http://[WEB SERVER NAME]/[EBUSINESS SITE NAME]/">