This task should be performed by a system administrator.
This step is only necessary if this is the first time that the plug-in is being installed on the client's machine. If the plug-in has been previously installed, you can proceed to installing the plug-in by a system administrator.
To install the add-in prerequisites:
1. Create a new folder, such AddInPrerequisites, on your local machine where you will extract ALL the installation files.
2. Navigate
to the following file path: ..\AddOn\OutLook\1.4.0\System
The following zip files display:
· Personify360OutlookAddIn_Prerequisites
· Personify360OutlookDatabaseScripts
· Personify360OutlookWcfServices
3. Extract the files from the to the new folder you created in step 2.
4. Double-click the dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe file to install it.
5. Double-click the VisualBasicPowerPacksSetup.exe (version-10) file to install it.
6. Depending on the your machine, install the appropriate Visual_studio_2010_tools_for_the_office_system_4.0:
· vstor40_x86.exe for x86 bit machines
· vstor40_x64.exe for x64 bit machines
Refer to
Prerequisites: Install
the Plug-In for more information on finding which version of Office
you are using.
7. Now you can proceed to installing the plug-in.