Defining Standing Order Product Components

Components added to Standing Order products work differently than Individual product components.


INV components can be charged shipping, even though the component order line does not have a price. If components are to be charged shipping fees, the shipping fees are added to the order line that has the product that contains the components. Therefore, if that product is flagged as Eligible for Free Shipping, and if the order qualifies for free shipping, those shipping fees will be waived (even if the component’s Waive Shipping checkbox is not checked).

Component shipping will be waived if the container product is eligible for free shipping, even if the Waive Shipping checkbox is unchecked. If the “container” product is not eligible for free shipping, then shipping charges will be charged if the components are defined to have shipping fees. It is the “container” product that controls whether free shipping applies: if the container product is eligible for free shipping, and if the order qualifies for free shipping; the container product order line and the component product order lines will be updated with the free-shipping rule ID. If the container product is not eligible for free shipping, then shipping will be charged for the components, even if the component INV products are eligible for free shipping.

As of 7.6.0, standing order product components do NOT have to be INV products. Additionally, components of standing order product components will successfully be added to orders. For example, if an INV product with a DCD component is added as a component of a standing order product, the DCD component will be added as a subline of the INV product subline in the standing order product master line.

To define standing order product components:

1.    From the Personify360 main toolbar, select Products > Product Central.
The Product Maintenance search screen displays.

2.    Click Search to find a product or click Create New Product.

Select "Inventoried Products Subsystem" from the Product Area drop-down and "Standing Order Product" from the Product Type drop-down on the Product Maintenance search page to search for only standing order products.

3.    From the Product Definition task category, click Define Components.
The Components screen displays, as shown below.

4.    Click Add Component.
The Product Chooser displays.

5.    Select the appropriate product to add as a component.

6.    Enter the Quantity.

7.    If necessary, enter the Order Lines to be Created number.

8.    If necessary, select a Rate Structure and Rate Code.

9.    Check the appropriate checkboxes:

·           Active

·           Waive Shipping

10.  From the Standing Order Control section, change the Standing Order Status, if necessary.

11.  The Standing Order Ship Date is automatically set by INV900 and should not be manually changed.

12.  If necessary, use the Move Up and Move Down button to arrange the components in the correct order.

13.  Click Save.

Screen Element



Add Component

Button. When clicked, the Choose Product screen displays. Search for a component and double-click it to add it to the table. The fields in the Component Detail section are populated.

Delete Component

Button. When clicked, the highlighted product is deleted as a component.

Move Up

Button. When clicked, the highlighted product is moved one row up in the grid.

Move Down

Button. When clicked, the highlighted product is moved one row down in the grid.

Component Detail


Link. When you click Add Component, search for and select a product, the Product link is automatically populated with the selected product. Click the link to open the Choose Product screen and search for a new product.

Parent Product

Read-only. Automatically populated based on the selected product.

Product Name

Read-only. The name of the product selected from the Product field.


Read-only. Subsystem associated with the product.


Text box. The number of the components that will be added to the order PER ORDER LINE when an order for this product is created.

Order Lines to be Created

Text box. How many order lines you want created based on the quantity given. If you want two component products but want them shipped to different customers, create two order lines (one for each customer) with a quantity of one. If you want two component products shipped to the same customer, create one order line with a quantity of two.

Rate Structure

Drop-down. Structure that will be used on the order detail record created when the product is ordered. For an individual product, the rate structure selected here will not change the price of the component on the order, which will always be zero.


For standing order products, typically this field is left blank.

Rate Code

Drop-down. The rate or price associated with the rate structure selected. For an individual product, the rate code selected here will not change the price of the component on the order, which will always be zero.


For standing order products, typically this field is left blank.

Waive Shipping

Checkbox. When checked, this component will not be included in any calculation of shipping charges.


Checkbox. When checked, indicates the component is active.

Members Only

Read-only. Disabled unless the selected product is members-only.

Standing Order Control

Standing Order Status

Drop-down. This field is only displayed for Standing Order products. Select whether the standing order is available or unavailable. The INV900 process will only pick up components if the status is Available.


If this field is set to "Unavailable", the INV900 process will NOT "release" this component and the Standing Order Ship Date will remain null.


If this field is set to "Available" and the Standing Order Ship Date is null, this component will NOT be pulled into new orders for the standing order product. When the INV900 process is run for this standing order product, the Standing Order Ship Date will be populated for this component.


If this field is set to "Available" and the Standing Order Ship Date is NOT null, users will be prompted to add this component to new orders.

Standing Order Ship Date

Read-only. This field is only displayed for Standing Order products. The date the standing order product is "released" (i.e., the date the standing order product becomes available). This field is populated by the INV900 process if the "Set Ship Date" parameter is set to "Yes".

This field is NOT related to the date that the line was actually shipped.