8. Create the Test Import File for the EFT681 to Reject the Scheduled Payment.

1.    Setup EFT Bank Profile Information for the Organization/Organization Unit.

2.    Create an order.

3.    Execute EFT680 to Process the Prenote for the Order.

4.    Create the Import File for the EFT681 to Reject the Prenote.

5.    Execute EFT681 to Reject the Prenote on the Order.

6.    Execute EFT680 to Reprocess the Prenote on the Order.

7.    Execute EFT680 to Process the First Scheduled Payment on the Order.

8.    Rename the EFT680_Complete_ACH file.

9.    Open and edit the file.

10.  Leave Line 1 as-is in the file.

11.  Leave Line 2 as-is in the file.

12.  For Line 3, perform the following:

a.    For the 02 - 03 character positions, change the value from "27" to "26".

b.    Leave the rest of the line as-is.

c.    If there are additional order lines repeat as necessary.

13.  For Line 4, perform the following:

a.    Copy the 04 - approximately 40 character positions for later use. This is the Order Number (with leading zeros), Order Line No (with leading zeros), and Receipt Number (with leading zeros).

b.    Delete the entire line.

c.    Add the 01 character position as "7" for the Record Type Code.

d.    Add the 02 - 03 character positions as "99" for the Addenda Type Code.

e.    Add the 04 - 06 character positions as "R01" for the Return Reason Code of No Account/Unable to Location Account (see Return Codes chart).

f.      Add the 07 - 21 character positions as the last 15 character positions from Line 3.

g.    Add the 22 - 27 character positions as "      " (six blank spaces) for the Date of Death.

h.    Add the 28 - 35 character positions as the 04 - 11 character positions from Line 3.

i.      Add the 36 - 79 character positions as the Order Number (with leading zeros), Order Line No (with leading zeros), and Receipt Number (with leading zeros) which was copied during 40.1. Eliminate the hypen between the Order Number and Order Line Number and there will be blank characters after the Receipt Number to character position 79.

j.      Add the 80 - 94 character positions as the last 15 character positions from Line 3.

k.    If there are additional order lines repeat as necessary.

14.  For Line 5, perform the following:

a.    If it begins with a 6, delete it. Proceed to Line 6.

b.    If it begins with an 8, leave it. You are done with the file.

15.  Leave Line 6 as-is in the file.

16.  Leave Line 7 as-is in the file.

17.  Execute EFT681 to Reject the Scheduled Payment on the Order.

Sample EFT681 Scheduled Payment Import File