Stored Procedures used to Populate Web Information

The following stored procedures used to populate web information in the Personify360 database:



·            usp_PopulateOLSWhenTypesAndCodesChange



This stored procedure triggers the population of data into multiple tables related to the web. It is typically scheduled via a SQL Server Agent job. When it runs, it triggers the following stored procedures:

Updates data in the WEB_PRODUCT_INFO table.

Updates data in the APP_DATA_CACHE_INFO table.

Updates data in the OLS_CUS_ORDER_HISTORY_INFO table.

Updates data in the OLS_SUGGESTED_PRODUCT_INFO table.

Updates data in the OLS_PRODUCT_MTG_FACET_INFO table.

Updates data in the OLS_MTG_PRODUCT_SEARCH table.


For additional information about this stored procedure, refer to Clearing Cached Data on the Web.


This stored procedure deletes old data from the APP_DATA_CACHE_INFO table. By default, it is configured to delete data older than 10 days. It is typically scheduled via a SQL Server Agent job. Additionally, the usp_PopulateOLSWhenTypesAndCodesChange stored procedure is useful when modifying system types and codes setups for the web (e.g., product class and facets).


This stored procedure populates data into multiple tables related to the web after a system type and/or code is changed. It is typically scheduled via a SQL Server Agent job. It triggers the following stored procedures:

Updates data in the WEB_PRODUCT_INFO table.

Updates data in the OLS_PRODUCT_FACET_INFO table.

Updates data in the OLS_PRODUCT_SEARCH table.

Updates data in the OLS_PRODUCT_MTG_FACET_INFO table.

Updates data in the OLS_PRODUCT_MTG_SEARCH table.


Please note that none of these stored procedures refresh the application pool cache of the Personify Data Services and web controls, which is triggered by the Refresh Web Cache button on the ClearCache screen in Personify360 7.5.0 and later. This is a separate configuration/function related to the web server itself, which means the following:

·            If you execute the stored procedures above, but do NOT refresh the application pool cache of the Personify Data Services and Web Controls, it is possible your changes will not display.

·            If you do NOT execute the stored procedures above, but do refresh the application pool cache of the Personify Data Services and web controls, your changes will absolutely not display; however, this scenario is pretty difficult to achieve.

·            If you do execute the stored procedures above and refresh the application pool cache of the Personify Data Services and web controls, your changes will display.


This stored procedure populates the FTS_CUSTOMER_INFO table. Constituent lists, such as the Attendee List in the Meeting Detail control, on the web or in mobile are populated based on the FTS_CUSTOMER_INFO offline table, which may not be in a real-time sync with the online CUSTOMER and ORDER_DETAIL tables. This FTS_CUSTOMER_INFO offline table should be regularly updated by the FTS_CUSTOMER_INFO_GET_DATA stored procedure.