Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Member Directory Detail Control

The Online Directory Setup screen (MBR200_ONLINE_DIRECTORY_SETUP) allows membership managers and IT staff to configure online directories per org/org unit. In addition to identifying the stored procedure that provides searchable data and setting up advanced search options, organizations can configure what information displays on a detail page when the web user selects a record from the directory search results. For more information, please see Setting Up an Online Member Directory.

Data in the table that holds membership order information for online directories is populated and kept up to date by the MBR800 batch process. You can schedule this batch process to run as frequently as needed. It is recommended that you run the process two to four times a day so that online member directories are kept up to date.

The following elements of the Member Directory Detail control are configured in the back office:

·            Detail Information

·            Section Caption

·            Field Caption

Detail Information

The data that displays on the Member Directory Detail page is based on whether or not the Display in Results checkbox is checked on the Detail Page tab on the Online Directory Setup screen. Additionally, the Display Type selected for each piece of information on the detail page determines how the information is formatted (i.e., in column or stacked).

The images that display for communication records (in the FORMATTED_HTML_RECORD field in the COMMUNICATION table) is based on the setup in the Detail Page stored procedure. You MUST modify the stored procedure to point to the location in which your images are stored.

Section Caption

You can label a group of information by defining a section caption on the Detail Page tab on the Online Directory Setup screen.

Field Caption

You can label a specific piece of information by defining a field caption on the Detail Page tab on the Online Directory Setup screen.