Registration Information - Register Myself Workflow

This step functions differently based on the workflow. This section below is specific to the Register Myself workflow. For more information on this step specific to the Register Someone Else Workflow, please see the Registration Information - Register Someone Else Workflow section.

When a web user clicks Next from the Primary Contact Information step, or clicks Register Now for a meeting that has been defined to NOT display contact information, the Registration Information step will display, as shown below. This step will display for all meetings, as long as the meeting has rates defined. If a meeting is free or only has one defined rate, this page will be read-only.


From the Registration Information step, the web user can view the short web description of the meeting and select a rate code for purchasing. You can set up your meeting to display multiple rates for web users to choose from, including a daily rate. For more information about creating meeting rates, please see Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Registration Information Step.


If the meeting has been defined to allow web users the option of only attending certain days of a meeting or conference, he/she can select the daily rate from the Your Price/Member Price drop-down and checkboxes will appear, as shown below.