Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Promotional Products Up-Sell Control

In order for products to display in the Promotional Products Up-Sell control on your website, the following options must be configured for each product:

1.    Products must be web-enabled (verified in TMAR_WEB_PRODUCT_VW). To do so, from the e-Business Links task category in Product Maintenance, click e-Business Control and then click Add e-Business Control. By default, the Display on Web checkbox will be checked. Up to twenty-five products can be displayed.

For more information, please see:

·            Defining Certification Product eBusiness Control

·            Defining DCD eBusiness Control

·            Defining Exhibition Product eBusiness Control

·            Defining Fundraising Gift eBusiness Control

·            Defining Inventoried Product eBusiness Control

·            Defining Meeting Product eBusiness Control

·            Defining Membership Product eBusiness Control

·            Defining Miscellaneous Product eBusiness Control

·            Defining Package Product eBusiness Control

·            Defining Subscription Product eBusiness Control

·            Defining Transcript Product eBusiness Control

2.    Products must have a valid relationship to another product with a Relationship Type of "Up-Sell", as highlighted below.

For more information, please see:

·            Defining Certification Product Related Products

·            Defining DCD Related Products

·            Defining Exhibition Product Related Products

·            Defining Fundraising Gift Related Products

·            Defining Inventoried Product Related Products

·            Defining Meeting Product Related Products

·            Defining Membership Product Related Products

·            Defining Miscellaneous Product Related Products

·            Defining Subscription Product Related Products

·            Defining Transcript Product Related Products