PGR100 - Maintain Purchasing Group Process

As of Personify360 version 7.7.0, a new TRS process called PGR100 has been created to populate purchasing groups. Organizations can use the new process to pull a list from Data Analyzer to populate the purchasing groups, making purchases more accessible to more constituents.


Using Data Analyzer, organizations will be able to generate a simple or complex list to populate a purchasing group in bulk. For more information on this workflow, please see Populating a Purchasing Group.


Parameter Description Required?

Run Mode

The mode in which the report runs:

·       EDIT – does not update the database, but instead generates a report of merged duplicate customers.

·       PROD – generates the report and updates the database.


Marketing List

Hyperlink. Opens a chooser to select the marketing list that contains the customers to be added to the purchasing group.


Effective Begin Date

Date Chooser. Defaults to the system date.


Select the effective begin date to use for customers being added to the purchasing group.


Effective End Date

Date Chooser. Defaults to null.


Select the effective end date to use for customers that have been removed from the marketing list.


Purchasing Group

Hyperlink. Opens a chooser to select the purchasing group to which the marketing list customers should be added.


Sample Report