Personify360 provides the ability to give special pricing or discounts to a group of people based on some characteristic not related to membership, customer class, or the purchasing of an advertising, exhibition, or fundraising product. In that situation, you can create a purchasing group and add specific customers to the purchasing group. Purchasing groups can then be linked to a discount so that customers in the purchasing group will automatically get that discount when they place an order, assuming that the customer doesn’t qualify for a better discount. For more information on purchasing groups, please see Defining Purchasing Groups.
of 7.5.2, the Give Purchasing Group Discount
Based On field on the Organization
Unit Maintenance screen identifies whether, by default, a purchasing
group discount should be given based on the bill-to customer, order-line
ship-to customer, or both. By default, this is set to "Ship To".
To create a discount for a purchasing group:
1. Perform one of the following:
a. On the Product Maintenance screen, click Discount Maintenance from the Rates and Discounts task category.
b. From the toolbar, select Products > Rates, Discounts, Coupons > Discount Maintenance.
2. Click
Create New Product Discount.
The Discount Maintenance screen displays, as shown below.
3. From the Discount Setup tab, in the Discount Identification section, perform the following:
a. If necessary, change the Discount ID.
b. Enter the Description.
c. Check the checkboxes that apply:
· Order Level
· Fixed Line Level
· Manual Discount
· Manual Override
on which checkboxes you check, certain fields gray out and you cannot
edit them. See the Discount
Checkboxes section below for more information on which checkboxes
to check.
d. Enter the Discount Percent or the Fixed Amount.
is not designed to handle percentage discounts on inventory product items
that cost a few pennies. Products that need to be discounted that cost
a penny or two need to be sold in a set of multiple products.
4. Click the Purchasing Group link and search for the appropriate purchasing group.
5. As of 7.5.2, from the Earned By drop-down, select whether the discount will be given based on the "Bill To"o customer or the order line "Ship To" customer currently belonging to the purchasing group. Select "Both" if the discount is to be given if either the bill-to or the order line ship-to belongs to the purchasing group. When a purchasing group is select, this field is required and automatically populates based on the value selected from the "Give Purchasing Group Discount Based On" field on the General System Parameters screen in Organizational Unit Maintenance. For more information, please see Defining General Organization Unit System Setup Parameters.
6. For information on the remaining options on this screen, please see Creating a New Discount.
7. Click Save.