Creating Fundraising Recognition Structure for Households

In Personify360, recognition can be defined by customer record type (previously only by individual or company) and then by defining recognition levels by giving amount, using Donor Recognition Structures. As of 7.4.2, the same recognition structure can be used to allow your organization to define recognition levels for households. These features provide a way for your organization to award recognition to households based on aggregated giving levels of all members of the household over a specified period of time. However, whereas individual and company recognition is awarded based on hard credits, household recognition will be a “soft” recognition, based on soft credits.


If the Create Soft-Credit for Household checkbox on the Fundraising Parameters screen in Organization Unit Maintenance is checked, the system will create a soft credit record in Fnd_Credit table for the household for any donations made by household members who were household members on the date of the contribution (i.e., where Order_Master bill-to customer = Cus_Relationship.RELATED_MASTER_CUSTOMER_ID, Cus_Relationship.RELATED_SUB_CUSTOMER_ID and Cus_Relationship.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE = ‘HOUSEHOLD’ and Cus_Relationship.RELATIONSHIP_CODE = ‘HOUSEHOLD’ and Order_Detail.LINE_STATUS_CODE = ‘A’ and Cus_Relationship.BEGIN_DATE <= Order_Detail.ORDER_DATE and (Cus_Relationship.END_DATE is null or Cus_Relationship.END_DATE >= Order_Detail.ORDER_DATE).) The soft credit will be given to households following the same logic for which soft credits are given for other customers. If you define recognition structures for households, the soft credit records will cause household records to receive donor recognition.

Hard credits will follow the pledge org-unit rules as to whether the hard credit is earned on order-creation or on payment. Soft credits will be given immediately and in full. This avoids the complication of a pledge being made and partially paid when the donor was a member of one household, and then finishes paying off the pledge after leaving the first household and joining a second. In that scenario, credit for the full amount of the pledge goes to the household in which the donor was a member when the pledge was first made.

As of 7.4.2, the "Household" option displays in the Donor Type drop-down on the Recognition Structure for Fundraising screen. For more information, please see Defining Recognition Structures.