CUS601 - Employee Segmentation

As of 7.5.1, this new batch process is used to handle employee segmentation. In the past, committees, corporate relationships, etc. were all combined into a single batch process, CUS600, and there was no way to run the process for just one of those groups. By splitting the groups into separate batch process, you can choose a different time to run the batch process for each group. In addition, the purpose of the batch process is to maintain who is in each group.


For example, a staff member at APA has just entered a new company record, along with 20 new employee records. Ideally, he/she should have created the company and then created the company as a web segment, before creating the individual employee records, but since he/she did not, the CUS601 batch process will need to be ran in order to create the employees as members of the company’s web segment.  


When determining when to schedule this batch process, some items you should take into consideration include the following:

·            Creating:
After you first create a segment for an EXISTING committee, company, or subgroup, you want to run this process to establish who is already part of the group.

·            Adding:
Personify has triggers in place that pick up most new committee members and employees; however, segment members are NOT automatically added to a group. First, the MBR700 process needs to be run to find all the new orders for the particular membership (e.g., a chapter), then the CUS603 process needs to be run to put those chapter members into a group that can be managed online.

·            Removing:
Usually, a constituent's involvement in a group is time-based and there is no trigger that the system can use to remove someone from the group (i.e., a record is added, updated, or deleted). When a particular date is reached, such as the end date for a committee member’s position, an employment relationship, or a chapter membership, there is no change in the database that tells the system to react. Therefore, a batch process is provided that searches for group member(s) to remove. To figure out a schedule on when to run the batch process, consider your organization's turnover for individuals having a corporate relationship. Ask yourself the following questions and based on your answers, is how often you should schedule the batch process:

o           Are employees added and removed regularly, or is there one annual push to obtain current employee lists?

o           How often are group managers expected to interact with the roster and what is their primary purpose? For example, if it is just to send emails and make updates, you would not have to run this batch process as frequently as if it is the group manager's primary responsibility to place orders for group member, because there is a risk that an order will be placed for someone that is no longer employed at that company.






Enter the report subtitle as you want it to print as part of the report header.


Run Mode

Mode in which the report runs:

·       EDIT - will not update the database, but will run the report.

·       PROD - will update the database and print a report of the records selected.



The Organization ID for which you want to run the report.


Organization Unit

The Organization Unit ID for which you want to run the report.


Company Master Customer ID

Enter the company's master customer ID.


Company Sub Customer ID

Enter the company's sub customer ID.


As of Date

Enter the date to use for selecting records. Segmentation will be created/updated for those employees that have an employment relationship on this date.
