Copying an Advertising Media

Once you have setup an advertising media, you can copy it. This allows you to copy the advertising products, which can then be recreated with a new advertising code.

To copy an advertising media:

1.    From the Advertising Media Maintenance detail screen, click the Copy Media link from the Advertising Media task category.
The Copy Advertising Media screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Click Linked Parent Product.
The Product Chooser displays with the subsystem of the original advertising media defaulted.
Search for and select the product to which you want to link this advertising media.

3.    Enter the Media Code.

4.    Select a Media Class.

5.    Enter a Description.

6.    Select a Media Type.

7.    Select an Invoice Rule.

8.    Check the checkboxes that apply:

a.    Copy Media Products

b.    Copy Product Pricing

c.    Copy Product GL Accounts

d.    Copy Media Contacts

9.    Click Copy Media.

Screen Element


Linked Parent Product

Link. Opens the Product Chooser. Allows you to choose a parent product to which this advertising media is linked.

Linked Product Code

Read-only. Defaults to the Product Code of the selected Parent Product.

Linked Subsystem

Read-only. Defaults based upon the product chosen from the Product Code link. Displays the subsystem to which the linked product belongs.

Media Code

Text box. This is the code used for this advertising media. This code is the parent product code for all advertising products associated with this media. When a linked product is selected, the media code defaults to the parent product of the linked product.

Media Class

Drop-down. A code that allows the organization to classify the media. For example, a sponsorship, a Web advertisement, or an advertisement in a journal.


Text box. This is a description of the advertising media being created.

Media Type

Drop-down. The type of media you are creating. For example, issue-based, product-based, or meeting-based.

Invoice Rule

Drop-down. When an advertising order is activated, the system must evaluate the invoice rule to determine whether the order line should be invoiced. For more information on the specific options, see Defining an Advertising Media.

Copy Media Products

Check box. When clicked, the media products from the advertising media are copied to the new advertising media you are creating.

Copy Product Pricing

Check box. When clicked, the product pricing from the advertising media is copied to the new advertising media you are creating.

Copy Product GL Accounts

Check box. When clicked, the product GL accounts from the advertising media are copied to the new advertising media you are creating.

Copy Media Contacts

Check box. When clicked, the media contacts from the advertising media are copied to the new advertising media you are creating.

Copy Media

Button. When clicked, a new advertising media is created using the parameters defined.


Button. When clicked, the screen closes and any set ups are lost.

See Also:

·            Overview: Advertising Media

·            Creating an Advertising Media

·            Adding New Media Contacts

·            Viewing Media Advertising Products

·            Maintaining Advertising Product Information

·            Viewing Purchase Analysis

·            Deleting an Advertising Media

·            Viewing Media Rate Cards