Creating ABS Staff Users

The security setup for the Abstracts system requires that you grant access permission to staff in the back office prior to setting up any Calls for Participation. Only users who have been granted “Administrator” as their “Staff Role Code” can create Calls for Participation. Staff granted any Staff Role Code other than Administrator can only edit submission types to which they have been added by an administrator.


Individual customers you create to be abstract staff users must have a customer class code of “STAFF”. Only customers with a class code of “STAFF” can be assigned Staff Abstract Roles and, consequentially, be assigned to submission types.


Creating ABS staff users is a two-step process:

·            Creating Staff for Your Organization

·            Assigning Staff a Staff Abstract Role

See Also:

·            Overview: Setting Up Abstracts and Submissions

·            Configuring Your Organization Unit for Abstracts & Submissions

·            Adding ABS to Your Website