Creating a Volunteer Event

To define the event:

1.    From the Personify main toolbar, select Volunteers > Volunteer Central.

2.    Click Create Volunteer Event (Opportunity).
The Volunteer Event screen displays, as shown below.

3.    Enter an Event Code.

4.    Enter a Description (or name) for the event.

5.    Enter the Event Subcode if applicable.

6.    Select the Event Status from the drop-down.

7.    Select the Event Category from the drop-down.

8.    Enter the event’s Purpose.

9.    Select a Start Date/Time and End Date/Time from the drop-downs. The end date cannot be before the start date.

10.  Select which Department is in control of the event from the drop-down.

11.  In the Location section, enter the location information for the event, including:

·            Location name

·           City

·            State and Country

·           Address

12.  In the Primary Contact section, click the Primary Contact link and search for the appropriate primary contact for the event.
Once a primary contact has been selected, his or her name and contact information will automatically be inserted into the Primary Contact’s name, phone, and email fields.

13.  In the Event Links section, click the Committee link and search for the appropriate committee for the event.

14.  Click the Parent Product and Product Code links and search for the appropriate products for the event.

15.  Add any additional Comments about the event in the text box.

16.  Click Save.

Screen Element


Event Detail

Event Code

Text box. The unique code for the event. Similar to Product Code.

Event Subcode

Text box. Provided to accommodate meetings and committees created as volunteer events.

Event Category

Drop-down. Defines the type of event. For example, a community outreach or fundraising project. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the VOL "EVENT_CATEGORY" system type.

Start Date/Time

Drop-down. The starting date and time of the event. This is not necessarily when the event takes place. This start time could include the preparation time. Optional unless End Date/Time has been selected.

End Date/Time

Drop-down. Optional. The ending date and time of the event. If selected must not be earlier than the start date.

Volunteers Assigned

Read-only. The quantity of volunteers that have been assigned for the event.


Text box. The name or description of the event.

Event Status

Drop-down. Identifies whether the event is active or inactive. Volunteers and jobs can still be assigned and created for events that are inactive. Mark an event as “inactive” once the event is completed. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the VOL "EVENT_STATUS" system type.


Text box. Explains the event’s purpose.


Drop-down. Select which department the event falls under. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the VOL "DEPARTMENT" system type.

Publish to Web

This field has not been implemented.

Included in Calendar

This field has not been implemented.



Text box. The specific facility, building, field, etc. where the volunteer event is taking place.


Text box. City in which the volunteer event is taking place.


Drop-down. State in which the volunteer event is taking place.


Drop-down. Country in which the event is taking place.


Text box. Exact address where the event is taking place. Include the city and state in the address.

The city, state, and country have all been broken out from the address as separate elements so that they can be used individually in the matching of volunteers to volunteer opportunities.

Primary Contact

Primary Contact

Link. The primary contact for the event, such as the person who is coordinating the event. Upon selection, the contact’s information from the database automatically populates the Volunteer Event screen.

Primary Phone

Read-only. Primary phone number of the event’s primary contact.

Primary Email

Read-only. Primary email of the event’s primary contact.


Text box. A free-form text box used to provide additional information about the event.

Event Links


Link. When clicked, displays the Customer Chooser to search for the appropriate committee to add to the event.

Parent Product

Link. When clicked, displays the Product Chooser to search for the appropriate product to add to the event.

Product Code.

Link. When clicked, displays the Product Chooser to search for the appropriate product to add to the event.