Adding Volunteer Event Jobs

After the creation of an event, the next step is to create jobs to which volunteers can be assigned. When creating a job there are three levels of information that can be defined for a volunteer job. How much information is needed depends on the organization’s approach to searching for volunteers and job assignments.

·            The simplest way to create a job is with the required fields only: Job ID, Job Code, Description, Start Date/Time and End Date/Time.

·            To assist with more advanced searching, specific days of the week, along with daily starting and ending times can be added to the job creation.

·            In order to match volunteer qualifications with job requirements, the user can define the exact qualifications necessary to be assigned to a specific job.

Creating an event job can only be done after you have created a Volunteer Event.

To define the jobs needed for the event:

1.    On the Volunteer Event screen, select the Jobs tab.
The Event Jobs screen displays.

2.    Click Add.
If you are returning to this screen to edit previously created jobs, the filter options can be used to assist in finding a specific job from a list.

3.    Enter the job’s title in the Event Job text box.

4.    Select the Category/Hourly Rate from the drop-down.
The hourly rate automatically displays based on the category selected.

Though the job is still a volunteer job, assigning an hourly dollar value to a job code allows the organization to calculate the hourly dollar value of the hours worked by volunteers.

5.    Enter a Description of the job in the text box.

6.    Select a Volunteer Level from the drop-down, if applicable.

7.    Select a Start Date/Time from the drop-down.

8.    Enter an End Date/Time from the drop-down.

The job’s Start Date/Time and End Date/Time default to the event’s Start Date/Time and End Date/Time.

9.    Select the appropriate checkboxes that correspond with the days a volunteer is needed for the job.

10.  Enter the job’s Location in the text box.

11.  Enter the City and State.

12.  Enter the number of Volunteers to be Assigned.
The default is 1.

13.  Click Save.

Screen Element


Job Info


Button. When clicked, an event job is added to the table.


Button. When clicked, the highlighted event job is deleted from the table.

Assigned Volunteer(s)

Button. Opens the Assigned Volunteers tab. When using this screen to view an already created job, clicking this button will show all the information pertaining to volunteers already assigned to this job.

Search/Match Volunteer(s) to the Job

Button. Opens the Search/Match Volunteers to Jobs (VOL003).

Job Detail

Event Job

Text box. The unique code for the event job.


Drop-down. The job category code. Each job category will have a dollar value assigned to it, which will default to the Hourly Rate column. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the VOL "JOB_CATEGORY" system type.

Hourly Rate

Read-only. Identifies the hourly value pre-assigned to a job category. Used for reporting.

These values default from the Job Category code, but can be updated at the job level.


Text box. The description of the job.

Volunteer Level

Drop-down. The level a volunteer must obtain before qualifying for a job. The association must decide the values for Level1, Level2, and Level3 for each event job. Values in the drop-down are populated based on the non-fixed codes defined for the VOL "VOLUNTEER_LEVEL" system type.

Start Date/Time

Drop-down. The start date and time of the job. To generate a schedule, the date fields need to be defined.

End Date/Time

Drop-down. The end date and time of the job. It cannot be set prior to the Start Date.


Checkboxes. Identifies which days of the week the job will be preformed.


Text box. The location where the job is to take place, such as a facility, park, etc. This could be a different location from where the event takes place.


Text box. The city where the job is to take place.


Drop down. The state where the job is to take place.

Volunteers to be Assigned

Text box. The number of volunteers to be assigned to this job. Used to prevent too many volunteers from being assigned to the same job.

Assigned/Not Confirmed

Read-only. The number of volunteers that have been requested, but have not confirmed that they will accept the job assignment.


Read-only. The number of volunteers that have been requested and have confirmed that they will accept the job assignment.

Volunteers Still Needed

Read-only. The number of volunteers that still need to be assigned.