Credit card processors (i.e., payment handlers) have system type and code records, as well as subcode records, to store the value of parameters needed by the payment handler. The values defined for App_Subcode PAYMENT_HANDLER records default into merchant parameters of the same name as the App_Subcode.SUBCODE record on the Merchant Setup screen.
Merchant-level parameters are first created
in the App_Subcode table so that, when a new merchant is created, the
parameters related to credit card merchants are created in the App_Interface_Dtl
table by copying the records from the App_Subcode table.
The parameters in the table below are defined on the Interface Parameter Maintenance (APP014C) screen for the Vantiv (Litle) payment handler:
Parameter |
Default Value |
Description |
Y |
The status of the Payment Handler and Merchant combination. Only active merchants can be used when processing credit cards, setting up Cash accounts, and running batch jobs.
Valid options: · Y (default) · N |
Litle |
Vantiv offers a service it calls "Authorization Recycling", which is a process by which Vantiv attempts to secure authorizations for declined credit card transactions over a period of 15-16 days. As of 7.6.1, support for this feature was added to Personify360. When credit card transactions are passed to Vantiv for authorization recycling, information is passed that tells Vantiv the source of the authorization recycling logic, and this information is passed via this parameter.
If you want Vantiv to use Vantiv algorithms for authorization recycling, this parameter value should be set to "LITLE", which is the value delivered with base.
If you want to use your own algorithms for authorization recycling, this parameter value should be set to "MERCHANT".
If no authorization recycling should be done, this parameter should be set to "NONE".
The value defined for this parameter will be passed to Vantiv in the export file. Because a user can enter any value for the parameter, if the value passed is not one of the 3 valid values, the system will assume the value is LITLE. |
7 |
The number of days a credit card authorization can be held for backorders. By default, this is set to 7. This parameter was moved here from the APP_PARAMETER table in the 7.3 release.
The currency the Payment Handler operates in. By default, this is set to USD. |
N |
This parameter controls whether Vantiv processes refund to credit cards that were settled outside of Personify360 (such as a lockbox processor). If you set this to “Y,” then you must also verify the merchant transaction settings are as follows: · Allow Non-referenced Credits = Yes · Credits may exceed original transaction amount = Yes
Valid options: · Y · N (default) |
Y |
This parameter controls whether the authorization process takes the Address Verification System (AVS) into account. AVS refers to the street address or PO Box number. To comply with PA-DSS standards, this AVS code is not stored in the database. Set this parameter to “N” for a higher level of security. This parameter applies to both back office and web transactions.
Valid options: · Y (default) · N |
Y |
This parameter controls whether the authorization process takes the CVV or CVV2 code into account. To comply with PA-DSS standards, this CVV code is not stored in the database. This parameter was added in the 7.3.0 release. Set this parameter to “N” for a higher level of security.
Valid options: · Y (default) · N |
1121153 |
The user ID for logging on to the Vantiv website. This is required to process transactions. |
ecommerce |
Vantiv supports other order sources, such as internet and mail. The code set here must match what is defined for the merchant with Vantiv; this affects transaction fees (card-present transactions have lower fees).
N |
As of 7.6.2, if this parameter is set to "Y" and the user swipes a credit card using a magnetic swipe reader, the system will send the track data from the credit card to Vantiv, letting them know that the credit card is physically present, which will qualify the transaction for a better transaction rate.
N |
This parameter controls whether organizations pre-validate a credit card by generating a zero-dollar authorization before processing the credit card for full authorization. The pre-validation tests the CVV or AVS so that the customer has the opportunity to provide the correct information.
When this parameter is set to "Y" and either Ignore_AVS = "N" or Ignore_CVV = "N", then the system will generate a zero-dollar authorization to validate the account information before processing the credit card for full authorization.
Valid options: · Y · N (default) |
N |
As of 7.6.1, the FAR680, FND680 and INV620 batch processes evaluate this parameter to determine whether expired credit cards should be selected for processing, as does the application logic executed from the Shipping Maintenance (INV200) screen. If the parameter is set to "Y", the batch processes will transmit credit card payments to Vantiv even if the credit card is expired.
When Vantiv returns the authorization request response, if the organization is using Vantiv’s "Account Updater" service, the response file will include the updated credit card expiration date, as well as any other changes that may have been made to the credit card, such as change of name, change of credit card number or change of credit card type. |
Default Report Group |
The LitleXML format allows you to separate your transactions into different categories by specifying a Report Group on each transaction. When accessing your data on the Litle Merchant Accounting System, this feature allows you to filter your financial reports by Report Groups, providing more granular detail based on a reporting hierarchy the Report Groups create. Most other formats restrict reporting categories to a batch or specific merchant id.
Null |
As of 7.6.2, enter the Sftp password used to access the Vantiv SFTP for uploading export files and downloading import files. |
Null |
As of 7.6.2, enter the Sftp username used to access the Vantiv SFTP for uploading export files and downloading import files. |
Y |
If your processor does not support zero-dollar authorizations, then you can set this to "N". When set to "Y", the processor will create a zero-dollar transaction to verify account.
Valid options: · Y (default) · N |
inP/T3qEYgtbolSnyPtiLA== |
Enter the XML password used to process payment.
Enter the XML username used to process payment. |