ApexSQL Audit Logging Overview

This section is intended for Personify360 Administrators and end-users requiring detailed information on the installing, configuring, and using the ApexSQL Audit tool with Personify360. ApexSQL Audit is an audit trail generation and reporting tool for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, 2000 and 2005. The ApexSQL Audit tool can be used to track changes at the table level. For example, the tool can be configured to audit order detail to find out when a field in a table was changed and who made the change.


ApexSQL Audit generates server side triggers that track all Insert, Update, and Delete statements. These triggers make an entry of audited information into ApexSQL Audit specific tables AUDIT_LOG_DATA and AUDIT_LOG_TRANSACTIONS (these tables are created when ApexSQL Audit architecture is installed). Other value added functionality is included with ApexSQL Audit including trigger and data management, transaction Undo, Audit Data grouping analysis, etc.

The specifications in this document are based on ApexSQL Audit Version 2005.07.0051. When newer versions of the Apex SQL Audit product are released, this document will require a review and comparison to ensure that the features listed within match the features of any new version of SQL Audit.

See Also:

·            ApexSQL Audit Functional Requirements

·            ApexSQL Audit Log Architecture Templates

·            Required ApexSQL Audit Architecture Template Modifications for Personify360 Functionality

·            System Requirements for Installing ApexSQL Audit

·            AUDLOGADMIN Access Point