Required ApexSQL Architecture Template Modifications for Personify360 Functionality

The basic trigger creation templates need to be modified to replace the SQL Server User ID with the appropriate Add Operator or Modification Operator making the requested change within Personify360. The basic ApexSQL Audit templates assume that the end user will be connecting to the database directly instead of through the use of a middle tier application server as Personify360 does. To facilitate this change, you must modify the trigger templates and replace instances of the SUSER_SNAME SQL Server function with the Personify360 ADDOPER when the audited data change is for a newly inserted row and with the Personify360 MODOPER when the audited data change is for an updated or deleted row. Once these changes have been made, you must save the audit architecture to a new file named PERSONIFY.AUDX.

The architecture file (PERSONIFY.AUDX) is available under the Config/Templates folder of the Back Office client.