Base IMS Roles

The following IMS Roles are delivered with base in 7.4.1:



Committee Member

This role applies to individuals only. A customer is a current committee member if a record exists in Com_Committee_Member where MEMBER_MAST_CUST = MASTER_CUSTOMER_ID of the customer and MEMBER_SUB_CUST = SUB_CUSTOMER_ID of the customer and Com_Committee_Member.PARTICIPATION_STATUS_CODE = ‘ACTIVE’ and Com_Committee_Member.BEGIN_DATE <= current date and (Com_Committee_Member.END_DATE is null or Com_Committee_Member.END_DATE >= current date). Committees and committee memberships are owned by the Org Unit.

Full data refresh will be set in base to run every week; you can change this schedule, if desired, to meet your business needs. This data refresh looks for a constituent's involvement in ANY committee and gives  the icon if they have any active positions. Inclusion data refresh will be set in base to run every minute; you can change this schedule, if desired. As committee members are added, within a minute, they will have the committee icon. Exclusion data refresh is not included for committees. The full data refresh will pick up these edits.

If you have some committees that need to refresh more often, or have their own icon, you can create a separate IMS rule to track these, and establish a more aggressive schedule for those.


The logic for Membership will be based on what is in the Latest Interactions section in CRM360® and will reference data saved statically for that section.

Expired Member

This applies to a member whose fulfill status for the primary membership is Expired and no renewal exists. The logic for Expired Member is based on what is in the Latest Interactions section in CRM360 which will reference data saved statically for that section.



and Order_Detail.RENEWAL_DATE_NEXT_ORDER is null.

Grace Member

This applies to a member whose primary membership is in Grace.


The system currently displays a Volunteer icon if the constituent is an active volunteer. TMAR continues to use this icon as the volunteer badge, but will discontinue showing it automatically on the screen. Rather, if you choose to implement a volunteer badge as part of constituent roles and attributes, it will be displayed. The logic for identifying a constituent as an active volunteer is where Cus_Volunteer.VOLUNTEER_STATUS_CODE = ‘ACTIVE’. Note that volunteers belong to an org unit.


The staff role displays a Staff icon if the individual is an active staff member.

Be conscious of the volume of data that you have and how often it changes. The IMS process will take time and resources, so you should be conservative when setting up new roles and/or scheduling these jobs. For instance if Membership only changes once per year in general, then perhaps that icon does not need to be refreshed as often as the other data. The number of jobs and the volume of data analyzed will factor into performance.