Configuring the App47 Stylesheet

The stylesheet module allows you to change the look and feel of your Personify360 Mobile application, from the colors and themes to the menu icons.

To configure the Stylesheet:

1.    Login to your App47 account.

2.    From the toolbar, select Manage > Configuration.
The Configuration window displays.

3.    Select the app from the Select App drop-down.
The following table displays the App47 Configurations and Mobile settings.

4.    From the Action column, select the pencil icon for the Stylesheet.
The Edit Configuration Group window displays, as shown below.

5.    The table below lists the configurations for this module.



Default Setting


Upload the CSS file you want to apply to your mobile application.  You can edit the following options within the stylesheet :

·       Header Settings

·       Main Title Label

·       Menu Items Settings

·       News Section Settings

·       Footer Menu Items

·       Quick Menu Listing

·       Add a Personal Event Button

·       View Only My Schedule Button

·       Check Out Button

·       Share Button

·       Directory Delete Button

·       Login

·       News Section

·       Session Display

·       Expanded Event Details

·       Event Header Details

·       Profile

·       Menu Button



Upload the icons you want to display on your mobile application in the folder.  You can edit the following options within the resources folder: