Setting Up a Membership Order to Automatically Renew

Personify has the feature to automatically renew a membership order that will be processed by ORD650. This would be a special payment offering that the association would make available to any member. The association rules would dictate whether the collected payment amount would be for the entire membership period or by a payment plan. For more information on payment schedules, please see Working with Payment Schedules.


If payment schedules automatically populated (Pay Frequency is set to Monthly on the Rate Code Extension screen) for a membership order, then the Renewal (ORD650) process also renews with Payment schedule. In other words, the ORD650 batch process respects the membership product setup; it creates the payment schedule records because the product has been defined to do so, not because the order being renewed had scheduled payments.

For more information on payment schedules, see the Working with Payment Schedules.

To setup a membership order to automatically renew:

1.    From the Order Entry screen, select the appropriate line item.
For example, the membership product order line.

2.    From the Work with Line Items task category, click Show Full Line Item Detail.
The Line Item Details screen is displayed, as shown below.

3.    From the Auto Pay Method drop-down (highlighted above), select Credit Card or Direct Debit.

 If “Credit Card” is selected, the Renew to Credit Card checkbox is automatically selected on the Product Specifics tab. If "Debit Card" is selected, this flag is automatically checked in the back end.

4.    Access the Auto Payment Info tab, as shown below.

5.    If you selected "Direct Debit", click Record EFT Information and enter the Bank Routing Information. If you selected "Credit Card", click Add Credit Card Information and enter the "Auto Payment Methods for Renewals and Installment Payments" information.

6.    Click Save and then Close.