MBR655 – Renewal Notices

This batch process prints renewal notices for proforma and active membership renewal orders, whether manually renewing an order from Order Entry or via the ORD650 process. If you do NOT want this process to pick up Active orders, add an advanced filter of Line Status = Proforma.

If you want to run this batch process for a specific renewal notice count, you can use the Advanced Job Parameter filter: order_detail.renewal_notice_count. For example, if you want to print renewal notices for orders in which a renewal notice has already been sent, the filter would be order_detail.renewal_notice_count = 1.

Running this batch process will update the Renewal Notice Count on the Full Line Item Details screen for the membership order, as shown below.

This batch process only picks up orders that have an original order number.

Additional parameters were added in the 7.2.1 release to accommodate Address Change Service functionality. Please see Address Change Service for more information.






This field is used to enter in a subtitle that appears underneath the report heading.


Run Mode

Mode in which the report runs:

·       EDIT – prints the report

·       PROD – prints the report and updates the database tables



The Organization for which you want to run the report.


Organization Unit

The Organization Unit for which you want to run the report.


Member Group

This field is used to select a specific member group to run membership order renewals for.


End Date From

This field, combined with the End Date To field, is used to select a date range for which you wish to generate membership order renewals. Identify the cycle end date on the current order(s) for this value. Example: if the current order has a membership period of 1/1/2013 thru 12/31/13 and you want to print a renewal notice for its renewal order (with a membership period of 1/1/2014 thru 12/31/14) you would enter the date ‘12/31/13’. Reference the example output MBR655_INV that was generated with this parameter value.


End Date To

This field, combined with the End Date To field, is used to select a date range for which you wish to run membership order renewals. Identify the cycle end date on the current order(s) for this value. Example: if the current order has a membership period of 1/1/2013 thru 12/31/13 and you want to print a renewal notice for its renewal order (with a membership period of 1/1/2014 thru 12/31/14) you would enter the date ‘12/31/13’. Reference the example output MBR655_INV that was generated with this parameter value.


Include Old Balance in Notice

This field is used to show the previous balance from the original order. Select Y to show the previous balance or N to hide the previous balance.


Include Zero Balance Orders

This field is used to show zero balance renewals or invoices. Select Y to show zero balance renewals or N to hide zero balance renewals.


Print Notices

This field is used to include notices along with the report. Enter Y if you want the notices included or enter N if you just want to produce a Dues Report.


Message Text

This field allows you to enter a free form message that is included on membership renewal notices.


Sample Report




If you wish to customize this process to gather bounced emails, this would require using a third-party provider to collect the bounce-backs.