Defining Shipping Information on a Membership Order

Shipping charges are typically not added for a membership order.

After a membership product has been added to the order, shipping information can be defined, if necessary. Shipping will be applicable to components of membership products if the components are Inventoried Products, such as a book or membership card. For example, a benefit of a membership may be that you receive a free t-shirt and a membership card, listing your member information and important contacts. Therefore, you would need to define the order’s shipping information to ensure the t-shirt and membership card are received by the correct person. Additionally, if the membership product has member subscription benefits, the Ship Via will determine how the subscription issues are shipped.


The Ship Via Method is defaulted from the setup on the Shipping Controls screen in Organizational Unit Maintenance. You can change the Ship Via Method if necessary. After products are sold, they are shipped using the criteria specified here. If the products are not shipped, then they are not invoiced and the payment stays in the Prepayment Liability account. The shipping charges displayed here are populated from the Shipping Charge screen in Product Maintenance, but can be overridden for a line item on this screen.

To define shipping information:

1.    Access the Step 2: Shipping Information tab.

2.    From the Shipping Address section (as highlighted below), change the shipping information, if necessary:

a.    Click the Change Ship-To Address link to display the Address Chooser from which to select a different ship-to address for the order or create a new address.

b.    Click the Change Ship-To Customer link to displays the Customer Chooser to search for and select a different ship-to customer for the order.

If the Billing Method on the Rate Structure Maintenance screen is "Ship-To", then changing the ship-to customer on the order line will result in the system recalculating the rate structure, which may result in a change to the rate structure. For example, if the new customer does NOT qualify for the "Member" rate structure, the system will change the rate structure to "List". However, if the “Member” rate structure had been manually set before the ship-to customer was changed (i.e., Order_Detail.MANUAL_RATE_OVERRIDE_FLAG = ‘Y’), if the customer is changed to a customer who doesn’t qualify for the MEMBER rate structure but only qualifies for the LIST rate structure, the system will not change the rate structure to LIST, because the MANUAL_RATE_OVERRID_FLAG = Y.

c.    Click the Create One-Time Address link to display the Create a one-time address screen to create an address that will only be used once for this order.

d.    As of 7.6.0, click Change/View Employer to view or change the customer's employer on the order. This is used when engagement scores for companies includes employee points rolled up to the employer company. For more information, please see Changing the Employer on an Order.

3.    From the Billing Address section (as highlighted below), change the billing information, if necessary:

a.    Change Bill-To Address - displays the Address Chooser from which to select a different bill-to address for the order or create a new address.

b.    Change Bill-To Customer - displays the Customer Chooser to search for and select a different bill-to customer for the order.

4.    From the Shipping Method and Cost section (highlighted below), select the Ship Via method to apply to all lines.

 The Ship-Via field is disabled until a line item is added to the order.

5.    Click Advanced Shipping to display the Advanced Shipping section (highlighted below) and add more information on the line items:

a.    In the Advanced Shipping table, select the appropriate line item.

b.    Select the Ship Via method from the drop-down in the cell for each line item.

c.    If necessary, change the Shipping Charge.

6.    Click Save.

If you are using Chapter Management on the web and you need to change the ship-to line on a membership order midway through the cycle, do NOT simply change the ship-to line customer ID. This would not result in a true picture of what happened for a chapter manager. Rather, the proper process is to cancel the first customer’s order line and create a new line. Any payment on the first line can be transferred to the new line if desired. See Group Management for more information.