This batch process will convert the Prospects to Customers for the selected List_Code.
As of 7.5.2, if the CHECKDUPEMAIL application parameter is set to "Y" and a customer exists with the same email address as the prospect customer, then the MKT501 process will reject that prospect customer record with the reason: "Primary email already exists for another customer." If the application parameter is set to "N", the system will process the prospect customer record. If potential duplicates are found in the system based on the corresponding record_type match function, the MKT501 process rejects the prospect customer record with the reason "Potential duplicates exist for this customer . Use 'Prospects Edit' screen to process this record."
This process does not create web logins the way that the standard convert
prospect to customer button typically does.
Parameter |
Description |
Required? |
Organization |
The Organization ID for which you want to run the report. |
Read-only |
Organization Unit |
The Organization Unit ID for which you want to run the report. |
Read-only |
List Code |
List Code is a uniquely assigned number for each time the list is used. |
Yes |