INV610 – Shipping Import Process

Clients currently produce a packing slip/receipt for their customers through the running of the INV620 batch process.  A third party vendor processes this information and sends back to client a file with the shipping information included to update the specific order in Personify360. The INV610 process will process a file sent by the third party vendor to upload shipping information, such as ship order date, ship via, tracking number, and export date. INV610 has the ability to adjust quantity and split an order line if needed for a back ordered item.

The following fields must be defined on the Shipping Import Mapping tab on the Warehouse Definition screen before running the INV610 process: order number, order line number, ship customer master customer ID, shipped quantity, ship via, and ship date. For more information see Defining Shipping Import Mapping.

It prints a verification listing of records processed and verifies that the ship date is coming from the correct warehouse.


If an order line is returned in this file from the vendor with a quantity = 0, the line status is set to Back Ordered.





Organization ID

The Organization ID for which you want to run the report.


Organization Unit

The Organization Unit ID for which you want to run the report.



·       Load and Process – loads the file and processes records. If selected, the process will pull in the records from the text file.Validate the structure of the input file based on the Warehouse parameter against the INV610_Mapping_Master and INV610_Mapping_Detail tables.  The master table tells you the file type (fixed or delimited), what the length or delimiter is and if the fields are enclosed by something, etc. If no ship_date is passed in using the input file, then use the parameter passed with the process to set the ship date. If there are errors, print the error to the log and stop processing.  If some records have already been loaded into the table, delete them.  Loading the input file should be an all or nothing process.

·       Load Only – only loads the file

·       Process Only – assumes that the file has already been loaded and allows for processing after errors have corrected in the table. If selected, enter the JobID of the Load INV610 run to perform an edit on all Invalid records.  


Run Mode

Mode in which the report runs:

·       EDIT – prints the report.

·       PROD – prints the report and updates the database tables.



Alphanumeric. Enter a subtitle, which would appear below the report heading within the title of the report.


File Path

The user name for the individual who uploads the file. For example, if the individual's user name who uploads the file was JSMITH, the user name JSMITH would display in this field. This parameter does NOT show the file path.


File Name

The name of the file to be uploaded.



Enter the Warehouse from where the shipping took place. This value must exist in Product_Warehouse table.

This Generic Chooser does NOT filter warehouse that do NOT have a shipping import mapping defined.


Ship Date

The ship date must be included in the ship date parameter in the job submission screen and in the file in order for this parameter to function properly.


Delete Processed Records

If checked then all the records successfully processed will be deleted from the INV610_Upload Table. If not checked, then records must be deleted manually.


Import TRS Job ID

The TRS Job ID of earlier successful upload run. Applicable only when the Function is PROCESS.


Error Conditions

The following is a list possible errors during the upload process. These errors are displayed on the INV610 Upload Maintenance (INV610_Upload) screen. For more information on this screen, please see Resolving Invalid Shipping Records.

·            File structure incorrect (doesn’t match the file type or length).

·            Invalid Warehouse Code (parameter for input doesn’t match the order_detail record).

·            Ship Date is in the future.

·            Ship Date is not less than 2 months before PACKING_SLIP_DATE.

·            Order_No not in the system.

·            Line Number does not exist for this order number.

·            Ship_Master_Customer/Ship_Sub_Customer_ID doesn’t match the line-level ship-to for the given order number/line number.

·            ShipVia does not match any codes setup on the ShipVia Code Mapping tab on the Warehouse Definition (INV140) screen.

·            Order already marked as shipped.

Sample Report