EFT System Types and Codes

The following table describes the system types for the EFT subsystem. Prior to working with the EFT information, you must create codes (and in some cases, subcodes) for each of the non-fixed system types. If in the Fixed Code column there is a letter "Y", you will be unable to make any changes to the code. For more information on adding a new system type and code, please see Defining System Types and Codes.

System Type

Fixed Code?




As of 7.5.2, indicates the status of the bank account. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       CLOSED - Closed bank account

·       COLLECTION_FAILED - Scheduled payment was rejected

·       DO_NOT_USE - Customer does not want this account used

·       GOOD - Account in good standing

·       INVALID - Invalid bank account


The Bank Acct. Status field is located on the EFT Bank Account Information screen in CRM360®.



The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       C01 - Incorrect DFI Account Number

·       C02 - Incorrect Transit/Routing Number

·       C03 - Incorrect Transit/Routing No. and DFI Account No.

·       C04 - Incorrect Individual Name

·       C05 - Incorrect Transaction Code

·       C06 - Incorrect DFI Account No. and Transaction Code

·       C07 - Incorrect Transit/Routing #, Acc #, and Txn Code

·       C09 - Incorrect Individual Identification Number

·       C13 - Addenda Format Error



As of 7.5.2, indicates the prenote status on the EFT account. The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       NOT_REQUIRED - Pre-noting is not required

·       PENDING - Awaiting pre-note

·       PRENOTE_FAILED - Pre-noting failed

·       PRENOTED - Account has been pre-noted


The Prenote Status field is located on the EFT Bank Account Information screen in CRM360.



As of 7.5.2, the following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       R01 - Insufficient Funds

·       R02 - Account Closed

·       R03 - No Account/Unabke to Locate Account

·       R04 - Invalid Account Number

·       R05 - Required Prenotification Not Received

·       R06 - Returned per ODFI's Request

·       R07 - Authorization Revoked by Customer

·       R08 - Payment Stopped

·       R09 - Uncollected Funds

·       R10 - Customer Advises Not Authorized

·       R11 - Check Truncation Entry Return

·       R12 - Branch Sold to Another DFI

·       R14 - Account-holder Deceased

·       R15 - Beneficiary Deceased

·       R16 - Account Frozen

·       R17 - File Record Edit Criteria

·       R20 - Non-Transaction Account

·       R21 - Invalid Company Identification

·       R22 - Invalid Individual ID Number

·       R23 - Payment Refused by Biller

·       R24 - Duplicate Entry

·       R29 - Corporate Customer Advises Not Authorized

·       R31 - Permissible Return Entry (CCD, CTX)

·       R33 - Return XCK Entry

·       R37 - Source Document Presented for Payment (ARC, BOC)

·       R38 - Stop Payment on Source Document (ARC, POP, BOC)

·       R39 - Improper Source Document (ARC, POP, BOC)

·       R50 - State Law Affecting RCK Acceptance

·       R51 - Item Ineligbile, Notice Not Provided (RCK)

·       R52 - Stop Payment on Item (RCK)

·       R53 - Item and ACH Entry Presented for Payment (RCK)

·       R61 - Misrouted Return

·       R62 - Incorrect Trace Number

·       R63 - Incorrect Dollar Amount

·       R64 - Incorrect Individual Identification

·       R65 - Incorrect Transaction Code

·       R66 - Incorrect Company Identification

·       R67 - Duplicate Return

·       R68 - Untimely Return

·       R69 - Multiple Errors


This field displays in the grid on the Rejected Payment History tab on the EFT Bank Account Information screen in CRM360.