Adding Certification Program Web Display Information

Using the Certification Web Control screen, you can define the way the certification program displays on the Web.

To add web display information:

1.    From the toolbar, select Certification Definition > Certification Program Definition.

2.    Click Search to find a product or click Create New Certification.

3.    Click Add Web Display Info from the Web Details task category.
The Certification Web Control screen displays, as shown below.

4.    Select the begin and end dates the certification program will display on the Web from the Web Display drop-downs.

5.    Check the appropriate checkboxes:

·           Display Register Button

·           Require Member Only Registrations

6.    Click the Small Image link and search for a small image associated with the certification program.

7.    Click the Large Image link and search for a large image associated with the certification program.

8.    Enter the Web Text.

9.    Click Save.

Screen Element


Display Register Button

Checkbox. When checked, indicates the certification program will include the Register button when displayed on the Web.

Require Member Only Registrations

Checkbox. When checked, indicates all members are automatically registered for the certification program.

Web Display

Drop-downs. Select the begin and end dates the certification program will be available on the Web.

Small Image

Link. The file name and specification for the thumbnail image for the certification program.

Large Image

Link. The file name and specification for the actual size image for the certification program.

Web Text

Text box. The description that will display on the Web for the certification program.