CCP610 may return errors for various reasons. For more information, please see Handling Errors from CCP610.
error descriptions are stored in CybersourceError.xml,
which is bundled together with Personify360 application server files.
These descriptions can be changed. However, processor error codes are
specific to the processor and there is no easy way to customize them.
The following Cybersource errors are delivered by default. These errors can be modified or additional error codes can be added as necessary to meet your association’s needs.
Error Code |
Description |
200 |
The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CYBERSOURCE because it did not pass the Address Verification Service (AVS) check. |
201 |
The issuing bank has questions about the request. You do not receive an authorization code online, but you might receive one verbally by calling the processor. |
202 |
Expired card. You might also receive this if the expiration date you provided does not match the date the issuing bank has on file.
203 |
General decline of the card. No other information provided by the issuing bank. |
204 |
Insufficient funds in the account. |
205 |
Stolen or lost card. |
208 |
Inactive card or card not authorized for card-not-present transactions. |
209 |
American Express Card Identification Digits (CID) did not match. |
210 |
The card has reached the credit limit. |
211 |
Invalid card verification number. |
230 |
The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CYBERSOURCE because it did not pass the card verification (CV) check. |
231 |
Invalid credit card number / account number. |
233 |
General decline by the processor. |
235 |
The requested amount exceeds the originally authorized amount. Occurs, for example, if you try to capture an amount larger than the original authorization amount. |
241 |
The request ID is invalid. |
242 |
You requested a capture, but there is no corresponding, unused authorization record. Occurs if there was not a previously successful authorization request or if the previously successful authorization has already been used by another capture request. |
247 |
You requested a credit for a capture that was previously voided. |
The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by Personify because there was a partial match on street address, but both 5-digit and 9-digit postal codes do not match. |
The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by Personify because there was a partial match on street address, but postal code not verified. Returned only for non-U.S. issued Visa cards. |
Street address and postal code not verified. Returned only for non-U.S. issued Visa cards. |
Match. (Duplicate of M) Street address and postal code both match. Returned only for non-U.S. issued Visa cards. Although D and M are duplicates, it is possible that you will receive both. |
Address Verification Service (AVS) data is invalid. |
Not supported Non-U.S. issuing bank does not support Address Verification Service (AVS). |
Address not verified. Returned only for non-U.S. issued Visa cards. |
Match. This code is returned only if you are signed up to use Automatic Address Verification (AAV+) with the American Express Phoenix processor. Card member’s name, billing address, and postal code all match. Shipping information verified and charge back protection guaranteed through the Fraud Protection Program. |
Partial match. This code is returned only if you are signed up to use Enhanced Address Verification Service (AVS) or Automatic Address Verification (AAV+) with the American Express Phoenix processor. Card member’s name matches. Both billing address and billing postal code do not match. |
Partial match. This code is returned only if you are signed up to use Enhanced Address Verification Service (AVS) or Automatic Address Verification (AAV+) with the American Express Phoenix processor. Card member’s name matches. Billing postal code matches, but billing address does not match. |
Match. (Duplicate of D) Street address and postal code both match. Returned only for non-U.S. issued Visa cards. Although D and M are duplicates, it is possible that you will receive both. |
No match. Street address, 5-digit postal code, and 9-digit postal codes all do not match. |
Partial match. This code is returned only if you are signed up to use Enhanced Address Verification Service (AVS) or Automatic Address Verification (AAV+) with the American Express Phoenix processor. Card member’s name matches. Billing address matches, but billing postal code does not match. |
Partial match. Postal code matches, but street address is not verified. Returned only for non-U.S. issued Visa cards |
Match. This code is returned only if you are signed up to use Automatic Address Verification (AAV+) with the American Express Phoenix processor. Card member’s name, billing address, and postal code all match. Shipping information verified but chargeback protection not guaranteed (Standard program). |
Issuing bank does not support Address Verification Service (AVS). |
Address information unavailable. Returned if the U.S. bank does not support non-U.S. Address Verification Service (AVS) or if the Address Verification Service (AVS) in a U.S. bank is not functioning properly |
Partial match. Street address does not match, but 9-digit postal code matches. |
Partial match. Street address does not match, but 5-digit postal code matches. |
AVS-1 |
Address Verification Service (AVS) is not supported for this processor or card type. |
The issuing bank determined that the transaction is suspicious. |
Card verification number failed the processor's data validation check. |
The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CYBERSOURCE because it did not pass the card verification (CV) check. Card verification number not matched. |
Card verification is not supported by the issuing bank. |
Card verification is not supported by the card association. |
CVV-1 |
Card verification is not supported for this processor or card type. |
CVV-2 |
The processor returned an unrecognized value for the card verification response. |
CVV-3 |
The processor did not return a card verification result code. |
238 |
Pre-Settled Error Code. The authorization has already been captured. No action required. |
243 |
Pre-Settled Error Code. The transaction has already been settled or reversed. No action required. |