FAR680 and FND681 generate XML files to be uploaded to Vantiv. The file is formatted: MM-DD-YYYY_HH-MM-SS-####_XXXXXXXX.xml. The four digits and eight letters after the timestamp are randomly determined.
As of 7.6.2, the export files created by FAR680 and FND681 are automatically uploaded to Vantiv's SFTP site. In order for this to work properly, you must define the SFTP URL interface parameter and the SFTP USER NAME and SFTP PASSWORD merchant parameters. Additionally, please ensure that the REQUEST DIRECTORY and RESPONSE DIRECTORY interface parameters are properly defined, as the system will reference these locations when exporting/importing the files to/from Vantiv.
To process the bulk transaction files:
1. Schedule or run FAR680 with the Use Vantiv Batch Processing? parameter set to "Y" and/or FND681 with the Run Mode parameter set to "PROD" and the Processing Mode parameter set to "EXPORT".
2. Once the jobs complete, the export files are automatically uploaded to the Vantiv's SFTP site.
3. Schedule or run FAR681 process and FND681 process with the Run Mode parameter set to "PROD" and the Processing Mode parameter set to "IMPORT".
If the import
fails, please see Troubleshooting
Vantiv Import Failures.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<litleRequest version="8.29" xmlns="http://www.litle.com/schema" numBatchRequests="1">
<batchRequest id="" numAuths="1" authAmount="78750" merchantSdk="DotNet;8.29.0" merchantId="01121153">
<authorization id="FND681 280790" reportGroup="Default Report Group">
<litleResponse version="8.29" xmlns="http://www.litle.com/schema" response="0" message="Valid Format" litleSessionId="82915732372111377">
<batchResponse id="" litleBatchId="82915732372111385" merchantId="01121153">
<authorizationResponse id="FND681 280790" reportGroup="Default Report Group">
<message>Insufficient Funds</message>
<litleResponse version="9.5" xmlns="http://www.litle.com/schema" response="0" message="Valid Format" litleSessionId="82915732608368841">
<batchResponse litleBatchId="82915732608370839" merchantId="01121153">
<authorizationResponse id="FND681 280790" reportGroup="Default Report Group">