Configuring and Verifying the Universal Addressing Interface

The system passes the following parameters to the Spectrum server while validating the address: AddressLine1, AddressLine2, AddressLine3, AddressLine4, City, State, PostalCode, and Country.

To configure and verify the Universal Addressing interface:

1.    From the Configure and Verify Interfaces (APP014) screen, click Configure Universal Address.
The Interface Parameter Maintenance search screen displays, as shown below.

Default values for all the parameters are already present. Hover the mouse over the Comments column to view the comments in detail. The comments provide a description of each parameter and specify acceptable values for certain parameters.

For more information on the Universal Addressing parameters, please refer to “Universal Coder Databases”.

2.    To change a parameter value, either double-click the Parameter Name or highlight the Parameter Name and click Select.
The Interface Parameter Maintenance details screen displays, as shown below.

3.    Type a new value in the Parameter Value text box.

4.    Click Save.

5.    Alter any necessary parameter values and click Save.


The table below defines the Universal Coder interface parameters:




This parameter defines the server account ID for accessing the Spectrum Platform Universal Address service.


This parameter defines the server account password for
accessing the Spectrum Platform Universal Address service.


This parameter defines the server connection timeout, in milliseconds.


This parameter defines the server connection type. Currently supported values by Spectrum Platform are:

·       HTTP

·       RMI


This parameter defines the server host name or IP address where the Universal Address is installed.


This parameter defines the validated address case. Valid options include:   

·       M – Mixed case (default)

·       U – Upper Case


This parameter defines the server path location for the Universal Address.


This parameter defines the server port number where the Universal Address is installed.


This one-character code parameter defines the directional/suffix match. This parameter is for United States addresses only. Valid options include:

·       E – the input directional/suffix must match the database exactly

·       T – the matching algorithm is tight

·       M – the matching algorithm is medium (default)

·       L – the matching algorithm is loose

For this release, the only option supported by Spectrum Platform is M.


This parameter defines the match condition where a DPV result does not cause a record to fail. This parameter is for United States addresses only. Valid options include:

·       F – Full match

·       P – Partial match

·       A – Always (default)

Requires PERFORMDPV set to Yes (Y).


This one-character code parameter defines the Firm name match. This parameter is for United States addresses only. Valid options include:

·       E – the input directional/suffix must match the database exactly

·       T – the matching algorithm is tight

·       M – the matching algorithm is medium (default)

L – the matching algorithm is loose.

For this release, the only option supported by Spectrum Platform is M.


This parameter defines the delivery point validation. This parameter is for United States addresses only as specified by USPS, such as a suite or room number. Valid options include:

·       N – do not perform delivery point validation

·       Y – perform delivery point validation

Delivery point validation can be performed only if the delivery point database (UNC DPV Subscription) is installed.


This parameter defines enhanced street matching. This parameter is for United States addresses only.  Valid options include:

·       N – do not perform enhanced street matching

·       Y – perform enhanced street matching


This parameter defines the Early Warning System (EWS) match. This parameter is for United States addresses only. Valid options include:

·       N – do not perform match to EWS (default)

·       Y – perform EWS match

If this parameter is set to Y, a separate EWS database should be installed.


This parameter defines the Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI) processing. This parameter is for United States addresses only. Valid options include:

·       N – do not perform RDI processing (default)

·       Y – perform RDI processing

If this parameter is set to Y, a separate RDI database should be installed.


This one-character code parameter defines the street name match. This parameter is for United States addresses only. Valid options include:

·       E – the input street name must match the database exactly

·       T – the matching algorithm is tight

·       M – the matching algorithm is medium (default)

·       L – the matching algorithm is loose

The only option supported by Spectrum Platform is M.