SSO Auto Login Page

Auto Login provides a mechanism to automatically log into SSO without going to the SSO Login Page. For this, Client Developers need to redirect the user to AutoLogin.aspx with query string parameters in the following format:




The vendor token is constructed by concatenating the fields in the following format and then encrypting them using 128 bit Rijndael Algorithm. The algorithm should use the Vendor Password as the key and Vendor Block as the Initialization Vector.


Time Stamp|ReturnURL|User|Password|RememberMe


Time Stamp: Date Time value of the Request

Return URL: After successful login, the user will be redirected to this url

User: User Id

Password: Password

RememberME: Should be set to True or False. IF true, a cookie will be created for the user, when the user comes back to the site, SSO will read this cookie and automatically log him in.