Login Templates for SSO

The look and feel of the SSO Login Page can be changed based which vendor is calling the SSO Login Page. This way the vendor sites can have their own branding for SSO. In addition, vendors can also define a separate login template for mobile devices.


The following entries in the web.config file specify the login templates available to the SSO Application:


<add key="DEFAULT" value="LoginTemplates/DefaultLogin.aspx"/>

<add key="MOBILE_DEFAULT" value="LoginTemplates/MobileLogin.aspx"/>


The mobile template key has to have the prefix "MOBILE_".

The above mentioned settings are the default settings provided by TMA Resources. Both the templates mentioned are available in the LoginTemplates folder of the SSO web site.


If a vendor (e.g., VENDORA) has a special customized template for login, they will need to add the following entries:


<add key="VENDORA" value="LoginTemplates/VendorALogin.aspx"/>

<add key="MOBILE_VENDORA" value="LoginTemplates/VendorAMobileMobileLogin.aspx"/>



While accessing SSO from the mobile device, if you still see the default template (not the mobile template), you need to update the browser file definitions on your web server. The .browser files are located in the following folder: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\Browsers of the web server.

The .browser file contains a regular expression for identifying the user agent. Then, in the capabilities section, you have the flag isMobileDevice. The following is the .browser file for iPhone:


<!-- Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A543a Safari/419.3  -->

<gateway id="IPhone" parentID="Safari">


<userAgent match="iPhone" />



<capability name="mobileDeviceModel"               value="IPhone" />

<capability name="mobileDeviceManufacturer"        value="Apple" />

<capability name="isMobileDevice"                  value="true" />

<capability name="canInitiateVoiceCall"            value="true" />


