The following table description the process by which Personify360 calculates a price on an order:
Calculation |
Example |
Logic |
BASE Column |
Unit Price |
$25.00 |
Gross price for one item |
Unit Discount |
$2.50 |
Discount for one item |
Agency Discount |
$1.00 |
Agency discount for one item |
Net Unit Amount |
$21.50 |
Price minus unit discount minus agency discount |
Calculated |
Quantity |
2 |
Number of items being ordered |
Coupon Amount |
$1.25 |
The coupon amount is subtracted from the (Net Unit Amount times Quantity); coupon amount is not multiplied by the quantity |
Extended Amount |
$41.75 |
(Net Unit Amount times Quantity) minus Coupon Amount |
Line Adjustment |
$3.00 |
This is subtracted from the Extended Amount |
Line Shipping |
$10.00 |
depends on shipping fee setup; in this example, this is a $5 shipping fee times quantity |
Line Tax |
$2.19 |
Calculated on (Extended Amount - Adjustment) * sales tax rate, or (Extended Amount - Adjustment + Shipping) * sales tax rate, if shipping is taxable. |
Line Total |
$50.94 |
Extended Amount minus Adjustment plus Tax plus Shipping |
total amount = amount in base currency. Actual total amount = amount in
actual currency (multi-currency).
The Order Summary section (highlighted below) on the Order Entry screen displays the following information:
· Product Total: The sum of (ActualExtendedAmount + ActualAdjustment - ActualSpaceCreditAmount - ActualTradeForServiceAmount + ActualCancellationAmount) for all detail lines in the order.
· Total tax: The sum of ActualTaxAmount for all detail lines in the order.
· Agency Discount: The sum of (ActualAgencyUnitDiscount x OrderQuantity) for all detail lines in the order.
· Total Discount: The sum of (ActualUnitDiscount x OrderQuantity) for all detail lines in the order.
· Total Shipping: The sum of ActualShipAmount for all detail lines in the order.
· Order Total: The sum of ActualTotalAmount for all detail lines in the order where line status = 'Active'.
· Order Balance: The sum of FAR_TXN_DETAIL.ACTUAL_AMOUNT for the order + the sum of ActualTotalAmount of any new lines added and not saved. This order balance indicates what is currently due now after factoring the payment schedule (deferred payment).