Viewing a Message Sent via the Notification Service

The Notification Sent Messages screen allows you to view copies of all of the messages sent by the notification system where the notification event has its “Save Copies of Sent Messages” checkbox checked. As of 7.5.0, the search results only display records from the org/org unit of the logged in user.

By default, this search grid only displays emails sent to primary email addresses. If you want to display messages sent to all email addresses, including non-primary email addresses, you must comment out PRIMARY_FLAG condition in the NTS_NOTIFICATION_SENT_MESSAGE_TRG_I trigger.

To view emails sent by the notification service:

1.    From the Personify360 main toolbar, select System Admin > Notification Services > Search for Notification Messages.
The Search Notification Sent Messages search screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Search for and select the notification email you want to view.
The Notification Sent Messages Details screen displays, as shown below.


Screen Element


Email Address

Read-only. This is the email address the message was delivered to.

Message Subject

Read-only. The subject of the delivered email message.

Message Text

Read-only. The actual email message that was sent.

Any attachments sent with the message are not displayed.