Reviewer Has a Review That is Due

As of 7.5.2, this email will be sent to the reviewer when a review is due for a nominee for an Awards Program, notifying that the reviewer has a review that is due as of today.


Event Stored Procedure Name: none


Business Change Options


Sample Message Template

The ##ORGANIZATION_INFO.ORG_UNIT_NAME## has assigned you to review a nominee for the ##AWARD_PROGAM.AWARD_NAME##


This is a reminder that the review is due on or before ##AWARD_PROGAM.REVIEW_DUE_DATE##. To access the nominee information, log onto our website at ##ORGANIZATION_INFO.ORG_WEBSITE_URL## , select "My Award Reviews" from "My Awards Activities" at the top of the Awards menu.


Thank you again for your participation in the review process.