Generated when a new order is created in the back office. An email is sent to the bill-to customer of the order that includes the order number and a summary of the order.
This notification processes all subsystems except Meetings, Fundraising and Membership. These have their own notifications for special messaging.
The schedule to run this procedure is determined by the Event Interval setup on the Notification Maintenance screen. This notification will only run once per order.
This notification overlaps with other notifications where a new order and payment is received. If you use the notification below, change the procedure so two emails are not sent to your customers for the same event:
· Payment Received
Event Stored Procedure Name: usp_NOTIFY_NEW_ORDER
of 7.6.1, if any order confirmation text has been defined for the advertising,
or transcript
product or the product class, the text will be added as the last paragraph
to the stored procedure for the notification.
· Staff create orders in the back office that are received by email, fax or mail. If your policy is to only enter orders with a payment, then you should add the paid amount and balance to the “Order Total” section of the stored procedure.
· Currently, the subsystems that are excluded are Fundraising, Meetings, and Membership. You might want to change the stored procedure to exclude others depending on your business requirements. Exhibits could require that a contract is mailed with the invoice, which is formatted to show the booth detail information.
· Add attachments to be sent with this notification. These are added from the screen Product Central > Relationships > Related Files. Keep the file name within the 40 character length limit.
Thank you for placing your order with the [your association name]. Your
reference number, which can be used when contacting the [association acronym]
regarding this order, is ##ORDERS.ORDER_NUMBER##. Below is a summary of
your order:
Order # |
Subsystem |
Quantity |
Product Description |
Unit Price |
Tax |
Price |
$##SALES_TAX## |
Order Total: |
The billing address we have on record is: ##ORDERS.BILLING_ADDRESS##
Your product will be shipped to: ##ORDERS.SHIPPING_ADDRESS##
Your order is being processed and will be shipped shortly. A shipping confirmation with tracking information will be sent to you via email. In the meantime, please visit us at [url] and learn more about the products and services of [association acronym].
Thank You, Publications Center
##TEXT## |