Abstracts Needs Author Revision Alert

Generated when an author’s Abstract Status code changes to “NEEDS_REVISION” or “PROVISIONALLY_APPROVED.” The status change occurs when a reviewer or administrator requests more information about an author’s submission via the “Needs Revision” or “Provisionally Approved” buttons available on the association’s Website within the Abstracts module. The email provides the author with the specific information request comments, informs him/her that the submission remains on HOLD until he/she resubmits the submission, and reminds him/her of the Submission Deadline date.





Triggers on Table ABS_SUBMISSION

·            Insert Trigger:  trg_I_NOTIFY_ABS_SUBMISSION
This trigger fires any time a new abstract submission is submitted over the Web and the external status code is “Needs Revision” or “Provisionally Approved”.

·            Update Trigger:  trg_U_NOTIFY_ABS_SUBMISSION
This trigger fires any time an abstract submission External Status code is either changed to “Needs Revision” or “Provisionally Approved.” This does not include the operation for the delete of the submission.

Business Change Options

This notification is controlled by the database triggers. The stored procedure is used to generate the email information only. Therefore, any changes to this notification would be made to the triggers.

·            The trigger looks at the External Status codes, but you might decide that only one of the codes are required for this notification.  To do so, you can modify the triggers to only fire for the desired External Status code.

·            Since this notification is a result of actions by the reviewers, you may only want to use the update trigger. The abstract would already have been submitted with a status of “Under Review.”  To make this business change, you need to disable the insert trigger.

Base Message Template

Attention [name]:

We have reviewed your submission titled '[ABS_SUBMISSION. Title]' and determined that more information is necessary to complete our assessment. Specifically:

'[reviewer or admin comments]'

Your submission is on hold until you take action, so please respond in a timely fashion. To do so, log into our Website, then edit the content based on the comments above and add attachments as necessary. When you are done, please re-submit.

Re-submissions must be received prior to the submission deadline.

Thank you.