Miscellaneous Invoices System Types and Codes

The following table describes the fixed and non-fixed system types and codes for the Miscellaneous Invoices subsystem. The non-fixed system types must be defined before working with the MISC subsystem.






The user-defined codes are used to identify the type of relationship with a related customer.


The Relationship Type field displays on the Related Customer screen in Product Maintenance.


The Option 1 field is used to create a product relationship between the product and the constituent. Enter "CUS001I-APPEARANCE" in this field in order for the code to be an option from the Relationship Type drop-down on the Related Customers screen.



The status of the product within the order.


The following code is delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Active (A)



The status of the line item on the order.  The Line Status field displays Line Item Details screen in Order Entry.


The following codes are delivered with base Personify and cannot be changed:

·       Active (A)

·       Cancelled (C)

·       Proforma (P)


The Option 1 field determines whether or not FAR670 will recognize the order line. Enter "RevenueRecognition" in Option 1 if you want FAR670 to process the transaction. In the base application, only line status codes of "A" have "REVRECOGNITION" in the Option 1 column. This was executed for organizations that customize order entry to use different line status codes.


Option 3 identifies whether order lines with the line status defined by the code should be included in invoices.



Determines where the related link will display on the Miscellaneous Product Detail page on the web.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Additional Information


The Placement field displays on the Related Links screen.



Verify the product class has at least one entry. Add additional product classes as needed. The Product Class field displays on the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance.



A system-defined code that identifies the type of MISC product. Currently, the only product type is “Individual”. The Product Type field displays on the General Setup screen in Product Maintenance.



Verify at least one rate setup exists. For example, Standard. The Rate Code field displays on the Rates and Pricing screen in Product Maintenance.



Allows you to setup a MISC product order as a recurring order and identifies the recurrence frequency. The Recurrence Frequency field displays on the Line Item Details screen for MISC product orders.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       Active

·       Cancelled

·       Held

·       Monthly

·       Proforma

·       Weekly

·       Yearly



The codes defined for this system type control how revenue recognition for the order will be handled. The Recognition Method field displays on the GL Accounts screen in Product Maintenance.


The following codes are delivered with base and cannot be changed:

·       On Invoice

·       On Specific Date

·       At Year End



User-defined system type used to categorize related links on the Miscellaneous Product Detail page on the web. The URL Type field displays on the Related Links screen.