MBR1310 – Active Membership Summary by Member Group, Level2

This online report generates a summary of active membership counts based on Level1 codes by member group. Users can filter the report by Member Group, Level1 and Level2 dues line item code.


The report displays the member group, Level1 code, Level1 description, Level2 code, member counts, and dues amount totals. It provides a total by Level1 and also give an overall total of member counts and dues amounts by member group.


When the report is run from the Membership Structure Definition (MBR000) or Membership Product Definition (MBR001) screen, the primary Member Group and all Level1 codes are passed as defaults. The report only selects active orders.


This report generates an online report from the Membership Structure Definition screen, the Membership Product Definition screen, and the Order Entry screen.

Sample Report